Undergraduate Student Government President Cole Lee announced the beginning of plans for the 24-hour operation of the Melville Library at the USG Senate meeting on Thursday evening.
The 24-hour operation of the library was part of the platform of the House Party’s 2015 USG election campaign, and with the approval of Stony Brook University President Samuel L. Stanley Jr., Dean of Libraries Constantia Constantinou and a group of students are now making preparations for its implementation.
“The 24-hour library is going to significantly enhance the student learning experience,” Lee said. “This offers students spaces for comfort, collaboration and a place that’s consistently available for students to work in.”
Lee added that the changes will not bring an increase to student fees since the university administration recognizes the overwhelming positive feedback from the student body.
“This just shows the tangible change that we all have been talking about, that USG can deliver to the student body,” Lee said.
New staff positions will be recruited next week, and Constantinou anticipates that the operation will begin at the start of the Spring 2016 semester.
The Senate also unanimously voted to recognize Active Minds, a club that promotes education and advocacy towards mental health.
“Our goal is to help destigmatize mental health on campus,” said Emilia Leon, an executive board member for the club. “That way students don’t feel like it’s a bad thing to receive counseling for mental health services.”
The Senate also approved the line budget status for the SBU Bhangra team. The team teaches the Indian dance Bhangra, which originates in the Punjab region.
“Our mission is to teach and perform Bhangra, to perform at local shows in addition to travelling to different states to perform at competitions,” Sumeet Bhinder, the event coordinator and former president, said.
A line budget is necessary to get outfits for the competitions, since points are taken off if there is no uniformity, Bhinder said.
In addition to its performances, SBU Bhangra put together its first Indian fashion show on campus in the fall of 2014.