On April 30, more than 240 students and 43 teams will come together for Stony Brook University’s first annual Relay for Life hosted by Seawolves for Cancer.
According to Stony Brook University senior and President of Seawolves for Cancer, Arianna DeAlto, the 12 hour walkathon has already raised $15,087.24 in pledge donations.
The money that is raised through Relay for Life not only goes towards cancer research, but also goes to helping cancer patients cope with their condition.
“The money goes towards programs like Look Good, Feel Good which shows patients how to style wigs and pencil on eyebrows,” said DeAlto. “If you feel good and you feel like you can beat the cancer then your body won’t let you give up.”
According to DeAlto, Relay for Life doesn’t just help cancer patients through financial donations.
“There are all of these people that have been affected by cancer, not just because they had it but because they had a loved one who had it,” DeAlto said. “When you come to Relay for Life, you look around and you realize you’re not alone, this event just brings people together.”
The 20 year-old event that was originally started by Dr. Gordy Klatt at the University of Pugent is broken down into three portions throughout the night to commemorate the stages of cancer.
The Survivor Walk, which begins at 6 pm is the first lap of the event and is reserved for those who are currently fighting or have beaten cancer. Other participants are asked to join once the first lap has been completed.
The Luminary Walk is a lap around the track that is dedicated to those who lost their lives to cancer. According to DeAlto, the Luminary Walk will begin at 9 pm, participants will be given the opportunity to place candles around the track in honor of loved ones who lost the battle against cancer.
The Fight Back Ceremony is the final lap of the event and will be a time for everyone to learn about the final sum of money earned throughout the night and to be congratulated on their efforts made for the fight against cancer.
“Not everyone has to walk the whole time but a member from each team should be walking at all times,” DeAlto said. “It’s going to be like one big sleepover and we’re going to try to have some fun laps to keep everyone going and having a good time.”
According to DeAlto, Organizations such as the High C’s, the swimming and diving team and the Belly Dancing Club would all be at the event.
For those who are interested in participating in Relay for Life, registration lasts until 11pm at the Kenneth P. Lavalle Stadium on the night of the event.
“You don’t even have to stay the whole night if you can’t,” DeAlto said. “Just come and support the cause for as long as you can.”
Seawolves against Cancer • May 3, 2011 at 9:52 pm
It is a great article, but our club is known as Seawolves against Cancer and our president’s name is Ariana DeAlto. The event was amazing, we raised over 25k dollars and we are still getting donations. During a 12 hour event you expect to have some hic-ups and the occasional screw up, but Ariana and the rest of the Seawolves against Cancer board and Relay committee made sure everything went well. We did so many amazing things throughout the night – maybe you should think about writing a follow up article, this way the kids on campus who didn’t go will know what Relay is like and how they can get involved next year!
Seawolves against Cancer
We walk for a cure so that we will all have one!