Stony Brook University is extending spring break another week, according to an email sent by Interim President Michael Bernstein.
Spring break, originally scheduled for March 16 to March 20, will be extended until March 27. The announcement comes only two days after the university officially announced that it would be moving classes online.
Bernstein said during a March 13 panel on the coronavirus that the extension will give administration “a chance to catch our breath and make sure that we are able to go into the non-traditional remote instruction in the most effective way possible.”
The campus-wide email, sent March 13, noted that the decision was made “with a continued focus on mitigating the spread of COVID-19” as the university prepares for its online transition.
Some other state schools, including SUNY Buffalo and SUNY New Paltz, have similarly extended their spring breaks another week before going online.
Stony Brook University classes will continue remotely on March 30.
Rabia Gursoy contributed reporting.