The Stony Brook Council has proposed revisions to the Student Code of Conduct that would be effective July 1.
Though the changes, which are the first revisions since 2008, are small, they have the potential to make a difference in the way the student body can conduct itself.
As the code stands, full- or part-time students with GPAs of 2.25 or above are eligible to be on a USG hearing board. As of July, however, students who have a disciplinary record may have their application denied. They may also be subject to a meeting with a university official before being granted permission to serve on a board.
If the code is approved, it will state that students are expected “to maintain a reasonable level of concern for their own self-welfare as well as for the safety and well-being of others.” Individuals who pose a threat to the university must complete the “mandated evaluation.”
Currently, if a student is not acting according to the conduct code, a psychological evaluation is optional. Making such evaluations mandatory would allow the university to assist students in finding resources to help them maintain appropriate behavior.
Those students who leave Stony Brook because of medical or psychological issues need to appeal to be readmitted into the university. With the current code, the university doesn’t need to accept every appeal for further review. The new code would make all appeals subject to review, but would also make all decisions on appeals final.
On a more personal level, rice cookers may be an addition to the list of forbidden appliances in dorm rooms because they are a fire hazard. Hanging tapestries on dorm room walls are also considered a fire hazard.
With the approximately 20 changes that were made to the Code of Conduct, it’ll be imperative that by this fall students re-read it.