Lets face it, not all of us will be on the next flight to Cancun the second we get out of our last class before spring break. Most of us won’t even be stuffing just enough belongings into a car for a week-long road-trip. Some of us will actively seek things to do out in the fresh air, but for those of us who understand the true comfort of home, who needs the real world?
Besides, it might be called “spring break,” but here in New York we know that is a lie. It is cold outside. My soul is seeking solace from the blistering cold. Dorothy called it, there really is no place like home.
If you are like me, there will be plenty of things to do during a glorious week-long staycation. If you need some inspiration to be a better homebody, you can steal a few plays from my book:
- Endless Netflix Marathon: What kind of list would this be if I didn’t include a day long marathon of Orange is the New Black? During the next few weeks of the semester, there won’t be time to indulge without feeling a twinge of remorse. Live it up now! And let’s be real, Friends is not going to watch itself.
- Try out Pinterest recipes: One of my favorite things to do when I am home from school is cook and bake. My recipe board is filled with gooey cookies and soups and other easy-to-make dishes. Anyone you live with will love you when they see a mound of surprise food. Even your dog or cat, I promise.
- Arm Knitting: That is not a typo. I really do mean arm knitting… as in no knitting needles required. It may be a little tricky at first, I speak from experience, but at the end you will have a pretty awesome scarf that you can’t buy at the mall.
- Read a book: Old fashioned, I know. Trust me, it is much better than it sounds. All you have to do is get to a library or a bookstore, find a comfy spot and let your eyes do the rest. Maybe it is time to read 50 Shades of Grey because “your friend is making you.”
- Start a Journal: A lot of super creative people keep journals. If you want your friends to think of you as #artsy, this break is a good time to break in that untouched Moleskine you bought on a whim because who doesn’t want a fancy notebook? Writing daily helps improve your voice and skills. It is a win-win.
- Try an At-Home Workout: Imagine how cool it would be to not leave your home, and days later emerge a super-toned Adonis? Everyone will be wondering how you did it. While a week may not produce such dramatic effects, at least it provides some time for squats and lunges. It is time someone give Kim K. a run for her money.
- Learn a Cool Party Trick: First thing that comes to mind is to learn how to juggle. You can start small with mastering pulling a quarter out of someone’s ear and work you way up. You will never be the victim of an awkward silence as long as you have a skill.
- Make Oobleck: When I was first introduced to this mystery miracle substance, I was in awe. Still, to this day, I could play with it for hours. There are tons of recipes online and a Dr. Seuss book to go along with all the fun! If you have never heard of Oobleck, I recommend you question your childhood and make a batch now.
- Refine Your Yoga Skills: I am not an expert, but from what I hear, most people feel yoga is a great way to relax but also exercise. Honing the right skills during spring break can help down the road when finals hit. If that is not enough of a reason, you could finally use the hashtag #yogaeverydamnday on Instagram! * sun, moon and star emojis*
- Hibernate: The rest of the semester most likely will not allow for much sleep. You may as well catch up on it now while you have the time. Bears have to do it and they don’t even have eighteen credits, a roommate, friends and family to worry about. Take this time to treat yourself.