Every year around Thanksgiving, we find ourselves wondering what we really are thankful for. I mean, that is the point of the whole holiday. The task ends up being so overwhelming that we usually settle with the norm: friends, family and good health (okay, decent health, considering all the nasty food we consume at school). But here are some things you may not have thought of that you really should be thankful for:
- That this seemingly god-awful semester is almost over, because on a scale of one to “I can’t even,” I really cannot deal with this semester any longer.
- Getting assigned a group project and having someone immediately lock eyes with you. That’s just a whole other level of love. #dreamteam
- The invention of snapchat, AKA the best social media app there is.
- Chipotle (…and burritos in general).
- While we’re on the topic of food: tacos, Se-port sandwiches and curly fries.
- Also, bananas, the king of all fruits.
- Friends with cars.
- Friends that take your clicker to class for you.
- The kids in class that tell you the clicker question answers because you really have no idea what’s going on.
- The fact that all the TV shows in the world can be illegally downloaded straight to your computer within minutes, thereby cutting the need for and expense of a television.
- Kelly’s late night (have we talked about being thankful for curly fries?)
- Those rare moments of not studying and still passing your quizzes and tests.
- Making up homework answers and getting it right.
- Understanding what you are being taught in class.
- Being able to teach someone else a concept you understand in class and having them understand.
- Those momentary “AHA!” moments during an exam where you finally understand something.
- Finding textbooks online (for free!) and avoiding the money-eating death trap that is the bookstore.
- Beating the rush hour lines at the SAC (or the Union Starbucks) by a few (very crucial) moments.
- Seeing dogs on campus.
- Watching freshmen make silly freshmen mistakes that so obviously label them as freshmen.
- The Rec Center: the most beautiful building on campus, designed to build a better, more beautiful you.
- When the server at Picantes gives you so much extra food.
- Friends that like everything you post on social media, especially when you post the same photo on Facebook and Instagram. They are the real MVPs.
- Your fellow peers who do not study for the test and boost the curve.
- Coffee in the a.m., tea all day, red Solo cups in the p.m.