On Sept. 7, 2013, hundreds of Stony Brook University students rushed onto the Staller Steps, completely ignoring school protocol that made it mandatory to “swipe in” before attending the first concert of the school year.
It was complete chaos. People pushed and shoved to get all the way to the front. Even if you had no intentions of rushing in, the stampede of students in front of and behind you made it impossible to do anything other than follow the crowd. When staff members kindly asked that the students move to the back of the steps to make it safe for the performance to commence, the crowd vehemently booed and jeered. There were periodic shouts of phrases like “you suck!” and, not surprisingly, the more people who shouted, the less the mob cooperated.
It seems like today’s generation wants to prove its superiority and that in some way, shape or form, it is better than the rest. I feel as though kids today, just as kids have throughout history, want to rebel. But then I think about what we have to rebel against. In reality we have nothing to fight. The world is at our fingertips and we have all that our predecessors had and more.
So what are we doing? We are making fools out of ourselves. We are letting the many control the few. The events of the Mac Miller and Cataracs concert at Stony Brook are just the latest examples of this behavior.
The people most eager to attend the concert were, in my experience, primarily freshmen. This was the first big event of their college career, something that could not be missed at any cost. Some, regardless of their opinion of Mac Miller or The Cataracs, felt like they had no choice but to attend the concert because everybody else was going.
Freshman Neil Gambhir admitted he only attended the concert because he felt he would miss out if he did not. Gambhir realized later, however, that there was no real appeal to the music whatsoever.
“Mac Miller possibly spoiled my entire perception of rap music that day. The bass was overwhelmingly loud, the lyrics were unsophisticated and frankly quite disturbing. I should have thought twice before I attended that show because essentially it was a waste of time.”
Gambhir, like many of his generation, followed his peers to the “edge of the world” but in the end realized it is better to make his own decisions.
“Suck my (expletive) before I smack you with it.” Do these words not inspire you? Do they not make you feel happy, content and warm on the inside? Do they not foster feelings of bliss and love? Do you not realize that I am being my overtly sarcastic self? Well you better have.
What irked me the most was not the melody-deprived music, nor was it the dreadful thumping of the bass that drowned out even the slightest hint of anything remotely close to music; what really got me going was the light the entire event cast on the current generation of Americans.
Aside from the lack of cooperation from the young crowd, the tasteless music and the peer pressure that almost everyone faced prior to attending the concert, whether or not they wanted to, the prevalence of marijuana was most disturbing. The smell of weed permeated the air, and whether you were smoking or not, you were by default put into a state of inebriation. How can something internationally regarded as against the law be so freely consumed, distributed and carried? Is it that there is power in large groups? Are we starting a revolution? Or is it that smoking marijuana at concerts is technically not punishable by law? Whatever it is, the behavior is making our generation look sleazy and trashy.
If the masses control the few, it will only lead to chaos. To me, the concert was testament to the latest generation’s futility. We are becoming less and less individualistic when it comes to decisions. More so now than ever, we base our actions and attitudes based on what others are doing. We need to go forward in our thinking. Not backwards. We are the newest and most improved humans. It is about time we act like it.
A Student in Agreement • Sep 12, 2013 at 10:03 pm
I imagine this opinion piece will cause a lot of controversy, but I am here to defend Tejen’s view point, because he has spoken out for how I have felt for the past few years.
It is ridiculous that there are so many young people who find enjoyment in things that I don’t personally like! It seems like Tejen and I are the only ones who understand how our generation has devolved into a disrespectful bunch of deviants. Do these barbarians not understand the importance of listening to music at a reasonable volume? Are they aware of the huge risks they’re taking by dancing in a large crowd? Unbelievable. I’ve seen many of these same students cross Circle Road in areas that are not designated crosswalks; it’s like we are surrounded by criminals, and UPD does nothing to stop these lawless hooligans.
I hope more young men and women speak out about their experiences with willingly attending an event they’d hate. We are far and few among the uncultured masses who are not ignorant of what type of media is acceptable to consume, and it is our job to inform everyone about just what exactly they’re doing wrong.
Thank you Tejen for passionately disliking things other people like. Without your dedication, our fellow youth would have never realized just how backwards having “fun” was at the USG Concert.
P.S. I was unable to detect your sarcasm until you kindly warned the reader. Thank you for the heads up, or else I would have gotten caught in your snafu!