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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

Cover of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, were crime statistics can be viewed.  PUBLIC DOMAIN

Reduced residential population sees SBU crime drop

Sara Ruberg and Steven Keehner October 10, 2021
Reported crime on Stony Brook’s campus decreased in nearly every category during 2020, according to the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report published on Oct. 1.
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The negative stigma attached to weed is the driving force behind biased misconceptions. STATESMAN FILE

Legalizing recreational marijuana is what we needed all along

Matt Lindsay April 20, 2021
#OPINION On March 31, Governor Cuomo signed legislation legalizing the use of recreational marijuana for adults in New York State. While I have never used marijuana, I fully support the legalization of it for several reasons.
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The negative stigma attached to weed is the driving force behind biased misconceptions. STATESMAN FILE

Medical marijuana is not getting to the people who need it

Georgia Papadakis March 10, 2019
Because of these hurdles, we are asking sick, elderly, immobile and often terminally ill patients to go through a series of complicated processes just to get the chance to relieve their pain.
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The relationship between a mother and daughter. CORRADO MATTEONI/FLICKR VIA CC BY-NC 2.0

Becoming best friends with my mom

Rawson Jahan October 15, 2017
In my 21 years of living, I have learned that friends come and go, but my mom will never leave.
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It's looking like a bright (but distant) future for 'ol Mary Jane

It’s looking like a bright (but distant) future for ‘ol Mary Jane

Michael Kohut September 26, 2016
A thaw in policy and opinion towards decriminalization and medical usage means that, over time, pot could quietly become a non-issue.
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Drugs throughout Stony Brook history

Drugs throughout Stony Brook history

Kelly Zegers and Arielle Martinez April 19, 2016
The Statesman has collected several stories from the newspaper’s archives that show how drug policies and culture have impacted SBU in the earlier years of its history.
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The holiday for stoners and students

The holiday for stoners and students

Michael Kohut April 17, 2016
Let’s add 4/20 to the all too short list of days that us Seawolves get a break from class.
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Marijuana vs. alcohol: Which is the lesser evil?

Marijuana vs. alcohol: Which is the lesser evil?

Pete Galigher December 1, 2015
With U.S. college students smoking more marijuana than at any time in the past 35 years and imbibing on the decline, this debate is very important to the health conversation.
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Canada's newly elected prime minister, Justin Trudeau, pictured above, is setting the stage for a marijuana legalization process. PHOTO CREDIT: ALEX GUIBORD

It’s high time Canada legalizes marijuana

Michael Kohut November 24, 2015
Here we have a young, liberal leader in an industrialized democracy finally adjusting policy in the face of the changing tides.
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Medical marijuana dispensary site in Suffolk draws concerns

Medical marijuana dispensary site in Suffolk draws concerns

Rebecca Liebson September 9, 2015
The fate of a new medical marijuana dispensary set to open in Riverhead is now in question as town leaders look to pass a moratorium.
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Tolerating intolerance: where does it end?

Christopher Leelum July 11, 2015
The most interesting argument against gay marriage I’ve heard is the famous “Where does it end?” defense. If gays can marry, what’s stopping polygamy, pedophilia, zoophilia?
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According to a previous article published by The Statesman in April 1975, one occurred; Seawolves gathered in Roth Quad and drank and smoked without facing punishment. PHOTO CREDIT: AXELBOLDT

Factoid of the Week: How marijuana received a bad rep

Giselle Barkley April 20, 2015
Gone are the days when Stony Brook University had Marijuana Festivals. According to a previous article published by The Statesman in April 1975, one occurred.
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