Stony Brook women’s soccer hosted Fairfield University for a Friday Matinée. Fresh off a 6-0 shutout of Fairleigh Dickinson, the Seawolves tallied another shutout victory 2-0, improving their record to 2-0-1.
“We played really hard today,” Stony Brook coach Sue Ryan said. “I’ve been stressing the importance of protecting our home turf. Our defense played incredible today and it had a lot to do with Ashley’s [Castanio] aggression in the goal.”
The Seawolves took a lead early in the second half (53’) with a goal from junior forward
Shannon Grogan with an assist from Julianne Palm.
The game got comfortable for Stony Brook later on in the second (76’) when a sophomore from Colorado, Stella Norman, scored on a free kick from the right wing.
“We’ve got some incredible play out of our sophomores so far this year,” coach Ryan said. “I ask a lot of these girls but they’ve really been great. I can’t say enough about Stella. She’s done so much for us the last couple games. We’re going to need the versatility she brings on the field.”
Norman is second in points in the conference after Friday’s goal and her three assists earlier in the week.
Sunday, Sept. 1, the Seawolves will host New Jersey Institute of Technology at 2 p.m. in LaValle Stadium.