I think Barack Obama is the best candidate out there to run for the 2008 U.S. Presidency.’ I won’t go into why I think he’s the most ‘electable’ of all the Republicans and Democrats, because that’s a topic for another chatterbox.’
I’m not going to lie, however, about my qualms regarding the next couple of months.’ I think it’s going to be hard for the country to accept a president named Barack Hussein Obama, regardless of how well spoken he is.
Enlisting the support of Oprah Winfrey is certainly not going to get Obama through the primaries.’ As my friend above is applauding the decision to have Oprah campaign with Obama with the belief that she will, by herself, get Obama more votes, enough to win the primaries, I make myself clear: only Obama can win the election for himself.
Maybe, for some odd reason, people actually listen to what Oprah says, but I don’t believe that even a person of her status can physically garner votes for Obama. As it was mentioned a recent issue of Newsday, maybe Oprah can attract voters who originally wouldn’t have gone to see Obama. Thus, more people might hear Obama’s message.
Oprah’s star power, might attract enough people to overthrow Hillary ‘always a First Lady’ Clinton.’ Yes, that’s right.’ Hillary will never be more than a First Lady in the White House.’ If she really wanted to be taken seriously, by this voter, she shouldn’t be counting the 8-years she piggybacked of old Bill.’ Sure, Hillary got exposure, but that should not be considered the same as experience.