Winter break is over, class is back in session and the stresses that come with school are back. In order to help students combat their workloads, from Jan. 26 to March 2, Stony Brook is hosting Chillfest. Chillfest is a series of events that are meant to ease students back into the workings of college life by giving them activities to do around campus.
Activities vary to accommodate and unite the diverse student body to create a more interactive and open environment.
Events range from a Welcome Back Breakfast for commuter students on Feb. 6, Shabbat services all throughout Chillfest, the Lunar New Year Gala on Feb. 13 for the Asian Student Alliance and a comedy show for the African Student Union on March 2.
Chillfest is run by a subdivision of the Student Activities called the Weekend Life Council. One of Weekend Life’s advisers is Jim Carr, who speaks very highly of the council.
“They’re very creative and hardworking,” Carr said. “Weekend Life is compiled of employees of Student Activities. Anyone can apply, but our selections are typically in the spring, so we don’t have any freshmen. But we love it when kids sign up and collaborate on ideas.”
Recently, Weekend Life hosted a laser tag event, cosponsored by the Gamers’ Guild. The Guild offered video games in SAC Ballroom B while students waited to wage laser war in SAC Ballroom A.
This is not the first time laser tag has been at Stony Brook, and its return is no accident. In spring 2012, laser tag opened to 300 students.
After playing an exceptionally exciting round of laser tag, students showed off their excitement. Oksana Kachmarchyk, a sophomore business management major said she enjoyed the “fun in spending time with friends. It’s really exciting.”
On Thursday, Jan 31, Project Sunshine held a masquerade ball as a part of Chillfest featuring food, dancing and a DJ.
Chillfest’s variety makes it one of the most detailed events planned during the semester. Because it is so long, it gives nearly every student an opportunity to participate in the event.
There is a similarly oriented program, Opening Activities, that takes place in the fall semester and also targets a wide range of students.
Chillfest really does get students involved. Lisette Nuñez, a sophomore political science major, is one of those students. While she was at Chillfest, she was already thinking of new ways to improve it. For example, she thinks a movie screening would be a great idea for the coming year, or maybe even a bowling trip.
While both of events have occured at Stony Brook in the past, that does not mean it cannot happen again.