Campus Residences announced in an email on Sept. 23 that residents may host overnight guests starting Sept. 25, including commuters and off-campus guests such as friends and family members.
The changes reverse the COVID-19 era overnight guest policies that have been in place since Fall 2020.
During Fall 2020, residents were only allowed to have students from other residence halls on campus enter dorms. Residential students were allowed to stay in another resident’s living space until 11 p.m.
In Spring 2021, Campus Residences relaxed policies to allow SBU-affiliated guests to enter the residence halls, which included commuter students. Overnight guests, however, were still not allowed.
Campus Residences planned to lift the overnight guest policy ban on Sept. 18 but delayed the change due to low COVID-19 testing compliance.
“It’s critical that you participate in testing and remain as vigilant as possible as many COVID cases are asymptomatic, meaning you can be infected and feel fine, and unknowingly and unintentionally spread the disease to others,” Vice President of Student Affairs Rick Gatteau said in an email sent to students on Sept. 17.
Fully vaccinated students are required to get tested for COVID-19 twice a month in the Alan deVries Center in accordance with their testing schedule.
All non-residential guests need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to enter any residence hall, and must have proof of their vaccination status with them at all times. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action for the student and the removal of said guests from the building.
“The health and safety of our community depends on all of us, and you must remain vigilant and do your part by getting tested,” Campus Residences said in their email. Increased infection rate or a decline in testing could result in the reversal of the new guest policies.