Ever thought anything could be ‘too rock ‘n roll’? Think again. Students Patrice Zapiti and Carlos Parreno were told this after they wanted to set up a new event in Tabler.
Zapiti and Parreno asked the board of faculty and staff who were in charge of the Black Box Theatre in Tabler Quad if they could hold an event for student bands on campus. The board approved, but was very unhappy with the amount of people that came to support the event, since it was way bigger than expected. The event was not supported by any liability issues, so the event was not allowed in Tabler anymore. This didn’t stop Zapiti and Parreno.
The two students received administrative force from an FSA member, and tested out their event twice in the spring 2009 semester in the University Caf’eacute;. The place was packed with students both times, which allowed them to kick off a series of shows called RockYoFaceCase every Monday at the University Caf’eacute;.
The first show of the semester was held on Monday, Sept.14, at 9p.m. The bands Midnight High, Slothbear, and the crowd favorite, Mother F’Nature, played and got the crowd hyped for future shows to come.
Midnight High got some of the crowd dancing to their punk-rock tunes. The audience started to let loose by opening up a mini mosh pit, and some audience members jumped on and off the stage. They were not the highlight of the night, but the crowd had a better response towards them than the next band Slothbear.
Though the band seemed to be enjoying themselves on stage, the majority of the audience was not feeling their music. Most were just standing and watching, as opposed to dancing and really listening. If you tried to listen to the lyrics, they were drowned out by the singer’s off pitch ‘oooh’s’ that destroyed the chance of being able to hear the verses. Yelling into a mic isn’t singing. The combination of the music and over amplified speakers just caused headaches.
All was not lost for the night. When Mother F’Nature stepped on stage the crowd was already cheering, and some were wearing t-shirts with the band’s name on them. Lead singer, Patrice Zapiti, took control of the stage, and got the crowd pumped by interacting with them.
‘We have free t-shirts for the people who take their shirts off,’ Zapiti announced to the crowd. This got the crowd even more restless than before. She had the entire room blacked out before they started playing. Music started to grow louder in the darkness,while the audience cheered with anticipation for the band to really start playing. When the lights suddenly broke through the black room and the band played, everyone broke out into dance.
Many of the audience members won free t-shirts that night, and freshman Shane Wendi said that the show couldn’t have been better.
‘They played with so much passion, and really interacted with the crowd,’ Wendi said. Zapiti interacted with the audience by jumping off stage to play her guitar in the middle of the crowd, and crowd surfed at the end of their performance.
For a college band, they certainly took the stage as professionals. You can check out their music at www.myspace.com/motherfnature.