While awaiting a response from a possible headlining act for the Spring Concert, the Student Activities Board spent most of Friday’s meeting debating various performer scenarios.
If the board is able to negotiate with the headlining act, the spring concert will be held on Wednesday, April 23 at LaValle Stadium.
The next issue the board needs to tackle is deciding how to arrange the opening acts. One option discussed at the meeting was having one opening act and keeping the same concert layout as last year. The other option included having two opening acts at a lower price range and expanding the concert time by one hour.
Anthony LaViscount, director of Student Affairs, was present at the board meeting but would not on comment on the possibility of the second option. However, he did hold a closed-door meeting with only board members to discuss the concert expansion.
Without any confirmation though, the board passed both scenarios with the hope of getting three acts from three different genres to attract a bigger audience.
Meeting in Brief
The Board is working on a book signing session after Dr. Michio Kaku’s lecture on March 26 at the Staller Center.
Roth Regatta is set for Friday, May 2. Undergraduate Student Government opened the theme to a vote by the student community. They can choose from: Video Games and Apps, 1989 (the first year of the Regatta), Television, the Internet and Mardi Gras.