SB Students Lead Bone Marrow Drive
At this week’s USG Senate meeting, Senator Peter Sheh and V.P. of Academic Affairs Derek Cope gave a presentation on a bone marrow drive on campus to help find matches for those suffering from leukemia and other illnesses. Cope and Senator Sheh encouraged members of the USG Senate to attend the bone marrow drive in order to help them meet their goal of 2, 481 matches, which would make the bone marrow drive the largest University bone marrow drive in the country. According to Senator Sheh, bone marrow drives are scarce, with only 2% of the population on the national bone marrow registry. Satellite company DKMS will be conducting the cheek swabs on Wednesday, Nov 14th from 10 – 4pm in the SAC lobby, Ballroom B and the SAC auditorium, as well as in the University Cancer Center and the HSC 2nd floor from 10am – 2pm.
Senator Andrew Davis Quietly Resigns from USG Senate
During her monthly report to the Senate, USG President Anna Lubitz announced the resignation of USG Senator Andrew Davis. In a letter read to the Senate, Davis cited his resignation due to personal reasons. Sen. Davis did not respond to attempts made to contact him regarding his resignation. Sen. Davis is the only member of the Senate to resign this semester.
Stadium Confirmed for End of Year Concert
President Lubitz confirmed that the stadium has been booked for the end of year concert, marking the first time that USG will hold the concert in the stadium in Stony Brook history. This year’s performer has not been confirmed.
SSC Budget Approvals
The American Marketing Association (AMA) Club’s SSC budget was approved by the Senate with a vote of 18-0-1. The AMA is budgeted to receive $680.
The Math Club’s SSC budget was approved by the Senate with a vote of 17-0-1. The Math Club is budgeted to receive $200.
Possible Extension of Library Hours
In his monthly address to the Senate, V.P. of Academic Affairs Derek Cope announced his intention to draft a proposal to extend the hours during which students could utilize the North Reading Room. According to Cope, students with late night classes should have more access to the Collaborative Learning Area for late night study sessions. Cope is hoping to have the North Reading Room hours extended from 12am to 2am.
USG Supports University Efforts to Secure Recreational Field Space
Cope also presented the USG’s resolution to support the University’s efforts to support additional field space for recreational use. Cope said that the USG fully supports the University’s efforts to expand available field space to the South P lot fields, which are currently leased to the Three Village area. According to Cope, past clubs have been charged by the Three Village area to use fields that the university already owns. Cope said that the University plans to implement new regulations for the auxiliary fields within the next year.