College students who have a deep curiosity and affection for learning new materials and concepts are welcome to take interesting and appealing D.E.C. courses, which are part of a Diversified Education Curriculum that allows students to develop knowledge and comprehension of study provided by their major during their first year at Stony Brook University.
“My goals for students to learn in class are to have logical thinking and what’s going on in the universe,” said Jin Koda, a professor who teaches AST 101, also known as Introduction to Astronomy.
AST 101 is a D.E.C. Category E course. Students will develop a broad understanding and knowledge of the solar system. The course offers a description of planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, pulsars, quasars, supernovae and white dwarfs, according to Stony Brook University academic programs.
“I believe they enroll because they are curious,” Koda said. “Not only because they need credits.”
Students who have a strong scientific knowledge of astronomy are encouraged to take AST 203, which is also a D.E.C. Category E class. This course demonstrates an examination of the physical nature of the universe. Students with knowledge of physics and mathematics can also enroll.
Students who are interested in drawing should enroll in ARS 154: Foundations of Drawing. This course is a D.E.C. Category D. Students will use drawing equipment and tools to strengthen their craft.
“Art is one of the beautiful things that a human has to offer,” political science major Justin Gamba said. Students who take a variety of courses can enhance their thinking skills and comprehension skills. College students will have a variety range of talent and passions, according to Peterson’s College Search website.
AST 248, or The Search for Life in the Universe, is a D.E.C. Category E course that analyses the role of science in modern society through exploration and inquisition. The course provides students a deep understanding of the evolution of life and the development of intelligence and technology.
Among the topics that will be discussed in class are the development of life and the understanding of the atmosphere and the biosphere, according to the Stony Brook website. Students will explore how life exists in earth.
Another course to take is EST (Technology and Society) 330, Natural Disasters: Societal Impacts and Technological Solutions.
This is a D.E.C. category H course. Students learn the study of the physical causes of natural disasters and how natural disasters have an impact in society.
Among the subjects discussed in class are the use of technology, engineering, architecture, and local arrangements to lessen accessibility.
Students will acquire information on the role of society on cross-cultural technology transfer and post-disaster assistance, according to SBU Academic Programs.
“You will obtain valuable information from this class,” said Kofi Acheampong, a journalism student with an interest in catastrophe and collision. “When I took this course, I became more aware on my surroundings and that made me watch the news more often.”
Students should have prerequisites. U3, juniors with 57-84 credits earned and U4, seniors with 85 credits or more are eligible to take this course.
Another interesting D.E.C. course is HUI (Italian Literature and Culture Courses in English) 239: Modern Italy, a D.E.C. Category I course.
This class displays the political, social, and economic structure of Italy, as well as the study of cultural life and institutions, according to SBU Academic Programs.
“The most interesting subject I learned about Modern Italy was the section on Italian gangs and secret societies like the Camorra and the Mafia,” biology major Sophia Charlotin said. “It was very exciting to learn about their rise and fall and on how they obtained control over politicians, gained money, and lost their influence overtime due to police intervention.”
This course goes into details about the historical development of Italy, with comparisons to American models and standards. Students will have a strong understanding of the Italian culture. The course will cover materials on Italian studies, scholars of art, film and literature.
“I would definitely recommend this class to everyone who wants to learn anything about Modern Italy because the subject itself is so fascinating, and the Italian movies and documentaries I watched during this course were eye-opening and informative,” Charlotin said.