Allen Abraham, former Vice President of Clubs and Organizations, is running for treasurer, and if elected, looks to rid the Undergraduate Student Government of preferential treatment.
Some clubs and organizations receive preferential treatment because they know someone in USG, he said, and wants to make it so “everyone is treated the same.”
In January, The Statesman reported payroll discrepancies by Abraham and former Vice President of Communications, who both resigned from their positions.
“I know I did something wrong, but I wasn’t malicious in any way,” Abraham said, adding that for the misplaced money he didn’t take two weeks of pay. “I wasn’t trying to steal money or anything. It was an honest mistake when trying to clear the structure of the communications department. There was a lack of oversight, and I did make a mistake.”
Abraham has experience in the organization and said he has seen an imbalance in the way clubs are treated. He did not wish to name any clubs in particular.
“Certain clubs were pushed because they know someone,” Abraham said. “That is wrong because you’re supposed to represent them equally.”
While out of office, he has spent time with clubs and seen those affected by funding cuts over the past year.
“There are club leaders literally paying out of pocket for expenses not funded by USG,” he said. “That’s dedication right there.”
He said making sure the clubs have enough money to fund medium-sized events would bring a bigger crowd to the events and get more people involved. He said he would look into event grants to find better ways to fund the groups.
“I’m not in it for the money. I’m in it for the service,” he said. “I hope that people will find it in themselves to forgive me for the mistakes I made.”