The anthology series “American Horror Story,” which first premiered in 2011, has begun its 12th season. The first episode of the highly anticipated season “American Horror Story: Delicate” aired on FX on Sept. 20. The show continues to captivate audiences with the return of beloved actors such as Emma Roberts and Leslie Grossman, while also introducing talented newcomers like Kim Kardashian, Cara Delevingne and Matt Czuchry.
For those who missed the initial broadcast or prefer the convenience of streaming, the season is now available on Hulu, offering subscribers the opportunity to delve into the eerie world of horror at their leisure. The start of the new season seems promising, receiving an 80% approval rating from fans on Rotten Tomatoes.
In this season, Roberts portrays Anna Victoria Alcott, an up-and-coming actress. Persistently undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, Anna is driven by a deep desire to begin a family with her husband Dex, who is played by Czuchry — known largely for his role as Logan Huntzberger in the early 2000s comedy-drama “Gilmore Girls.” As Anna’s fame continues to grow, she becomes increasingly apprehensive about the threat of a looming stalker jeopardizing her safety and her quest to start a family.
With only three episodes released so far, the additions of Kardashian and Delevingne to the cast have piqued the interest of many fans. Kardashian, known for her reality television series “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” and “The Kardashians,” is stepping into a different genre and challenging herself as an actress. Delevingne, primarily known for her illustrious modeling career, is also continuing to broaden her artistic horizons with this new role.
Both accomplished women are pushing their boundaries by portraying characters out of their comfort zones, and their performances are eagerly anticipated. Acting is not for everyone, but Kardashian’s luxurious personality, as shown in her reality series, makes her the perfect fit for the role of Anna’s best friend and powerhouse publicist Siobhan Corbyn.
Having appeared as a guest in several movies and shows such as “Only Murders in the Building,” Delevingne has revealed little about her current role. Considering the many bizarre twists and unexpected turns “American Horror Story” has delivered throughout its past seasons, it’ll be no surprise if similar events occur. With that being said, the possibilities of where both Kardashian’s and Delevingne’s characters may go are endless.
Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, the creators of “American Horror Story,” have a lot in store for the 12th season. The enduring legacy of “American Horror Story” is a testament to its ability to reinvent itself with each new season, while also retaining the core elements that have made it a beloved staple in the world of television.
Season 12 promises another thrilling chapter in this storied series, blending the familiar with the fresh and offering a spine-tingling exploration of the horrors that lurk beneath the ordinary. As the season unfolds, viewers are looking to be undoubtedly drawn deeper into the web of suspense, terror and intrigue synonymous with “American Horror Story.” The show will continue to release weekly episodes every Wednesday at 10 p.m. EST on FX, with episodes available for streaming on Hulu the following day.