Originally published December 5, 1991
To the Editor:
In “Father of Slavery Was Black ” [Letters, Nov. 25] Mr. Toner has proven that he knows very little about slavery. In his efforts to make Dr. Jeffries look foolish, he has made himself look like the fool.
He stated ever so proudly that Anthony Johnson was the “father of American slavery.” If he knew anything about the topic he would know that this is absolutely false. Slavery started from the moment Columbus set foot in the Caribbean. When Columbus landed on Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic,) he and his people immediately turned the native Arawaks to slaves and raped the Arawak women.
On his second voyage in 1493, Columbus brought African and white slaves to the Americas. But these slaves and the Arawaks all died due to extremely difficult work they were subjected to. This is when the massive import of slaves to North America started. North America consists of Canada, America (United States,) Latin America and the Caribbean Island Many slaves were subsequently traded to America. Even though the “pilgrims” had not arrived, many white colonists from the Caribbean Islands were already in America.
Mr. Toner could say that Columbus was the grandfather of slavery and the slaved traders who came shortly after were the fathers.
Rather than trying to discredit Dr. Jeffries, Mr. Toner should spend his time learning a little of what Dr. Jeffries knows and then maybe he would see how ignorant he has been.
Karen Roach
Resident Asst
Baruch College