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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student Financial Services office located in the Student Union. KAT PROCACCI/THE STATESMAN

SBU students face unique challenges with loans

Morgan Casey December 1, 2021
On top of these financial implications, there are also the looming mental and psychological effects that debt has on students’ mental health. Many students experience profound stress, anxiety and feelings related to shame when thinking about their financial situations related to school. In a 2021 survey, one in 14 student borrowers said they experienced suicidal ideation because of taxing debt situations.
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Business, Healthcare and Human Services job fair in 2019. MAYA BROWN/STATESMAN FILE

Working while attending college improves time management

Fanni Frankl October 27, 2019
In U.S. colleges, where 41.6% of students experience anxiety and 36.4% experience depression, the question of whether working while attending college full time is a choice that takes careful consideration.
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The United States Department of Education's seal. The government agency enacted a new regulation on Aug. 30 to protect student borrowers. PUBLIC DOMAIN

New regulations protect student borrowers

Jocelyn Cruz October 17, 2019
These updated regulations will protect student borrowers from misinformation and hold higher education institutions responsible if borrowers have been misled.
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Many students are taking out over $25,000 in loans, according to a recent poll of black and white graduates. (MANJU SHIVACHARAN / THE STATESMAN)

Survey shows debt gap among college graduates of different races

Samantha Mercado October 7, 2014
A recent survey by Gallup showed that 50 percent of black college graduates held more than $25,000 in student loan debt, compared to 34 percent of white graduates.
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