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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman


“Need a Break”: Quarantine Edition

Melissa Azofeifa March 25, 2020
We know being in self-isolation is hard. In case you need something to distract you or something to do in between online classes, take a break and check these out!
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The outside of the administration building in March 2020. The RABIA GURSOY/STATESMAN FILE

SBU offers another policy update

Samantha Robinson March 22, 2020
Stony Brook University offered students another policy update in a campus-wide email sent on March 20.
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USG Meeting in the Fall 2019 semester. JUSTIN GOODRIDGE/THE STATESMAN

USG moving campaign process online

Claudia Motley March 11, 2020
Stony Brook’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) will be taking its elections process totally online amid coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns and intends to postpone part of the election process.
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Gov. Andrew Cuomo on campus in the Student Activities Center on April 11, 2019. Cuomo announced that all non-essential workers must stay home. GARY GHAYRAT/STATESMAN FILE

SUNY, CUNY classes going remote after March 19

Brianne Ledda March 11, 2020
City University of New York (CUNY) and State University of New York (SUNY) schools will be going remote for the rest of the Spring 2020 semester starting March 19, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced in a press conference on March 11.
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USG President Shaheer Khan speaks at the town hall on Wednesday, Nov. 13 in Frey. SARA RUBERG/THE STATESMAN

Highlights from USG Town Hall

The Statesman livestreamed the event, which is currently posted on Facebook. Highlights from the conversation, edited for readability and clarity, are included below. A full transcript of the event is available here.
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A screenshot of the constitutional referendum emailed to students on Nov. 9. COURTESY OF USG

USG proposes restructured constitution in referendum

Brianne Ledda November 13, 2019
A campus-wide email announcing the referendum and elections included a link to a Google Drive folder with an annotated draft with the proposed changes, a final draft of the new constitution and a document describing major changes, in addition to the current constitution.
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Interim President Bernstein talks finance and future at Stony Brook University

Interim President Bernstein talks finance and future at Stony Brook University

Gary Ghayrat September 24, 2019
On Aug. 30, Interim President Michael Bernstein sat down for an interview with The Statesman along with University Media Relations Officer Lauren Sheprow to discuss the administrative changes that are happening at the university, the school budget and more.
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A Undergraduate Student Government (USG) meeting on Aug. 29, 2019. SAMANTHA ROBINSON/STATESMAn FILE

USG finds discrepancies in constitution and code

Samantha Robinson August 31, 2019
Undergraduate Student Government (USG) president Shaheer Khan revealed that major discrepancies were found within the USG constitution and the USG code at a senate meeting on Thursday, Aug. 29.
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