No longer will Stony Brook students fall victim to fatigue, stress, memory loss, sadness or even a decrease in pleasure response because of a new super drink that boasts benefits like no other preceding it.
Another chicly designed bottle with a colorful liquid, chockfull of vitamins and minerals has hit the market as well as the shelves of Stony Brook. Neuro Drink, a supplement that has gained considerable attention, is making its way onto college campuses across Long Island.
Neuro Drink’s mission statement on its website boasts a “design to sustain and enhance an active lifestyle with natural ingredients, each beverage is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and botanicals at dosages backed by scientific research.”
But not from the FDA.
Neuro Drink is not approved by the FDA, and in fact, as the warning label suggests on Neuro Drink flavor Neuro Gasm, “not recommended for children under 12 years of age, or pregnant or nursing women or people sensitive to caffeine.”
Every single drink that is offered by the company contains substantial amounts of caffeine, according to Chris Tuttle, a dietetic intern at Stony Brook Hospital.
“The high caffeine content in these drinks gets the persons heart rate up enough to make them say, ‘this is working’,” Tuttle said. Tuttle also confirmed that some of the ingredients in the drinks could become harmful. In Neuro Sleep, there is an ingredient that Tuttle says could affect the way other medications work in a person that is using the drink. “Anti-depressants and epileptic medications to just name some,” Tuttle said.
There is an array of eight different drinks that the manufacturer offers. Nuero: Trim, Sleep, Sonic, Sun, Sport, Bliss, Aqua and the auspicious Gasm.
Neuro Gasm: the title alone brings the genre of nutritional supplement drinks to a whole new playing field. The different flavors promote different “essential functions” by infusing the drinks with vitamins, minerals and herbs. As per the mission statement of the company, “Neuro Drinks offer consumers an alternative to products that perpetuate our self medicating caffeine-dependent society.”
These complications are not mentioned on the bottle whatsoever. Another ingredient found in almost all of the drinks is crystalline fructose, which Tuttle said is much, worse than high fructose corn syrup, an ingredient the public has come to know as a very unhealthy sugar substitute.
“Some drink manufacturers take out the high fructose corn syrup because it is known to be bad and instead add this crystalline fructose to pull one over on people,” he said.
“The colorful bottle and interesting names of the drinks caught my eye at first, and after tasting it, it doesn’t taste as bad as you think,” said Scott Bishop a computer science major. “It does more [for me] than all those other drinks do and it’s new so I have been sticking with it.”
Bishop’s statement reflects an attitude that some supplement drinkers have in common—they take the word of whoever makes the drink.
The founder of Neuro Drinks, Diana Sanela Jenkins, is a woman with ties to high profile celebrity outlets. With these connections, the product hit the market running, energetically enhanced, of course. She helped to create two foundations, The Elton John AIDS Foundation and the Clinton Foundation, which celebrities from around the world have made donations to as well as made appearances for their benefits. Jenkins has prominent friends such as Kid Rock, Cindy Crawford, George Clooney and Guy Ritchie, who help her financial endeavors in any way they can. No nutritional background, but a killer group of celebrity friends and a sense for business and promotion.
Through the Neuro Drinks website, any consumer can find local food markets that sell this cleverly bottled liquid.
There is much care taken in the packaging, web page design and the hip promotion of the Neuro Drink. But the more important aspect of the product —what is being ingested— is being regarded as like an afterthought. In this supplement’s eyes, it may not be what is on the inside that counts, but how good you look while you’re taking a sip.