After reading “Misandry in feminism is real and needs to be addressed,” I felt that it was necessary for me to provide an alternative guy’s perspective since there often aren’t many men who speak about this issue. I would like to address the misperceptions about men’s place in feminism that the article touched on.
The article references feminists like Suzanna Danuta Walters and New York Attorney General Letitia James, claiming that they show a clear hatred towards men. Walters specifically argues how men in power have been pervasive and corrosive to women throughout history.
The rising concern surrounding feminists’ disdain for men reflects the misunderstandings of what it means to be a feminist and what the movement is fighting for. Feminists believe that activists can combat sexism and racism by embracing the movement’s diverse backgrounds. Promoting hatred towards men is antithetical to the movement’s core values.
The uncertainty surrounding toxic masculinity reflects itself in the article when the feminist concept was criticized for denouncing men’s masculinity. The article says feminists are fighting toxic masculinity by apparently “feminizing” men and suppressing masculine attributes. Meanwhile, those qualities of masculinity are not toxic. It is important to illuminate what gets overlooked — feminists are not arguing that masculinity as a whole is toxic; instead, they explore the traditional norms that pressure men to conform to alienating expectations. This includes men having to always “act hard” or having to express their emotions through aggression as a means of masking their vulnerabilities.
This kind of behavior, which is reinforced by mostly men, emotionally harms young boys and men who, like young girls and women, are taught to fit oppressive molds.
Men think they are losing their social status to women. Young women are surging in today’s job market and that is something men should be praising, instead of vilifying the feminists who advocate for equal opportunity. Women only hold 25% of executive and senior-level positions and only 6% are CEOs.
In the last few years since the conversation around empowering women has gotten more attraction, it seems to worry some men that more women are attending and finishing college, starting careers and moving up the social ladder. A good example of this is what happened in 2018, where a record number of women were elected to public office.
The feminist movement has led to reactionary movements like meninism that are against feminism. There are men’s rights activists, who claim men are victims of oppression because of feminism. Then there are men like Ben Shapiro, who calls the modern feminist movement “radical.” Threatened by feminist activists, these groups aim to reinforce patriarchy by silencing the people who dare challenge men in power. There has been a rise of people like Shapiro who have become part of the world of reactionary politics.
When talking about sexual assault, the author argues that he has heard feminists say “all men are potential predators to women”; he goes on to say that this kind of rhetoric is vilifying men. The author seems to be attempting to sway away from the idea that there is a problem with men.
The vast majority of people who are victims of sexual assault and rape are women. Women are sexually assaulted in college at a higher rate than men.
Another problem is that when women decide to come out about their stories of sexual assault, people will often not believe them. Questions are raised as to why they waited so long to come out. This often causes women to fear telling their stories and losing their job status, which has happened to many of them.
Yes, sexual assault also happens to men. Although it happens in much smaller numbers than women, most of their perpetrators are also men.
There is an ongoing crisis with men today regarding masculinity. They have become the perpetrators of most sexual assault cases and create a culture of fear for women when they try to speak out about their stories of being sexually assaulted or harassed.
I believe it is time for men to get off the sidelines and start speaking out about this issue. They need to start believing and listening to women rather than dismissing their stories. By embracing this movement, men can help create a world where they work alongside women to encourage having equal opportunities in all aspects of society.
Correction: Oct. 6, 2019
A previous version of this story misstated a quote from the article “Misandry in feminism is real and needs to be addressed” as “‘all men are sexual predators to women.’” It should have said “‘all men are potential predators to women.’”
Juan • Oct 8, 2019 at 12:32 am
First of all, there is no patriarchy. Second of all men suffer from rape and sexual assault at the hands of women but society never wants to talk about that do they? Google teacher arrested for sex with underage student and you will get way more hits about women being arrested then men. The women are sexually assaulted on campus way more often is another lie perpetrated by feminists seeking power by any means necessary. Just in case you didn’t get the memo or are blind, feminism does preach hatred of men. Bottom line is feminism is dishonest, childish, and self-serving. Please stop being a beta male and stand up for yourself.
Joe Hill • Oct 6, 2019 at 2:12 pm
Unfortunately, the author does NOT address misandry in the feminist movement. He denies it exists and then demonizes men’s rights advocates as “reactionary.”
His essay is just more false feminist propaganda.
Stephen • Oct 5, 2019 at 2:59 am
I have two words for you. Due Process.
gush • Oct 3, 2019 at 5:35 am
Stop vilifying them.
dave poynter • Oct 2, 2019 at 5:46 pm
What arrogance, it’s no wonder that no one wants to have a conversation with a feminist. Is there anything that feminists don’t know, don’t understand, don’t have all the answers for, can’t tell you, can’t splain to you, or have any doubts over. Pride always comes before a fall, – but you’re a feminist, so you already know that.
Dennis • Oct 1, 2019 at 8:40 pm
Most men are actually sexually assaulted by women, not other men:
Dennis • Oct 1, 2019 at 8:32 pm
Most men are sexually assaulted by women, not men. Look up the words “made to penetrate.”
Estwald • Oct 1, 2019 at 3:11 pm
“Feminism is something men should embrace, not vilify”
“Will you walk into my parlor?”r said the spider to the fly.
TOXIC MASCULINITY refers to masculine characteristics that Feminists disapprove of. I recognize no obligation to conform my conduct, my thoughts or the content of my conversations to Feminists’ expectations.
Estwald • Oct 1, 2019 at 3:06 pm
“Feminism is something men should embrace, not vilify”
“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the spider to the fly.
TOXIC MASCULINITY refers to masculine characteristics that do not conform to Feminists’ expectations. I recognize no obligation to conform my conduct, my thoughts or the content of my conversations to Feminists’ expectations
DCM • Oct 1, 2019 at 3:15 am
No, it’s time for women to grow up and act like adults.
Chris Hoff • Sep 30, 2019 at 9:47 pm
A man needs feminism like a bicycle needs a fish.
Steve Taylor • Sep 30, 2019 at 6:39 pm
Yeh, right…
Morris Factor • Sep 30, 2019 at 3:39 pm
I’m over 70, raised in a feminist believing family, and have watched feminism’s progress through six decades. I’ve attended women’s studies classes, read over forty feminist books (and literally hundreds of their articles) and feel qualified to state that feminism is NOTHING about equality but everything about dominance, hating men/masculinity, and breaking up the family unit. Feminism is the outcome of big corporations who wanted women in the work force to drop wages (Rockefeller was a huge, early proponent of feminism) and cultural Marxism which views feminism as a stepping stone to controlling people.
As Russian hero Vladimir Lenin is quoted as saying: “Feminism is the vanguard of Socialism”, “Socialism is the vanguard of Communism”, and “Break up the family and you destroy the country”.
Joe McQueen offers no real examination of feminism; he merely repeats, like a parrot, the feminist dogma blaming men. Nor does he dispel or examine a single one of the points brought up by author in the linked story.
Sadly, McQueen is just another brainwashed male, hoping that by agreeing with feminists, he might get laid, while failing in all respects to do any serious journalism or investigation.
jaime osbourn • Sep 27, 2019 at 9:11 pm
If feminism isn’t about hating men, then why do they?
John • Sep 27, 2019 at 8:29 pm
This incoherent rambling does not come close to making an actual point. This reads like a report by a freshman in a gender studies class written the morning it was due.