Undergraduate Student Government (USG) started charging students five dollars for advanced Wolfieland tickets, a two-dollar increase from 2018. This will be Wolfieland’s fourth year at Stony Brook; but just two years ago, Wolfieland was entirely free for students. Last year when asked about charging students an entry fee, the USG treasurer at that time, Adrian Ortega, stated, “We felt charging a small fee would allow us to do more for all students.”
As a result of the price increase, there was a large difference in attendance; only 2,400 students showed up in 2018, compared to the 6,000 that showed up in 2017 when Wolfieland was free.
Vice President of USG, Hadi Mohammed, explained USG’s decision to increase the price, “The increase in charges helps support the inflation of costs associated with the production of WolfieLand. Things such as prizes, giveaways, Stony Brook paraphernalia, etc.”
“USG makes no profit from the event, and any amount we are able to recoup from the event is then utilized to help facilitate other functions coming up for the school year hosted by USG,” he said.
Stony Brook students didn’t hesitate in sharing their thoughts on the price increase. Sophomore business major Randy Ochs said, “I think the increase in price is absurd.”
“Unless USG is hiring famous performers and raffling off MacBooks, then there is no need to charge us more for ordinary things,” he said. “I probably won’t go. It’s not worth it.”
Randy’s friend, sophomore business major and a Kappa Sigma fraternity brother, Erik Von Bevearn, chimed in as well.
“Sometimes I find it bizarre all the things we’re charged for,” Von Bevearn commented. “From my understanding, Stony Brook University has a lot of money, and it would be nice if they could for once give us something for free. I’ll go if my friends go, but honestly, the chance is slim.”
However, not everyone is upset about the price increase. Sophomore biology major, Mary Neff, said, “I’ll probably still buy a ticket and go. I went last year and had a good time. It’s worth the extra two dollars for me.”
When asked about the price increase, double economics and finance major and USG College of Business Senator, Camila Morcos, said, “I don’t think the price increase will affect the turnout. Yes, I get students are not thrilled with the idea of paying more. However, the two-dollar increase is to give them better raffle prizes and things like that. In no way would we ever try to cheat the students out of their hard-earned money. We want this event to be a nice, special, well-executed event for all students.”
Wolfieland will be held in the Student Activities Center Faculty/Staff Parking Lot (H Lot) on Sept. 7 from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.