1) Stony Brook University Blowage Big Bang Fall Show
In the Staller Center Recital Hall on Thursday Dec. 3 at 8 p.m., Blowage, the Stony Brook Big Band, will perform Duke Ellington’s “The Far East Suite,” and more. The performance will also include an opening set of original compositions by the graduate jazz ensemble. The event will feature Ray Anderson, a trombone player and Director of Jazz Studies at Stony Brook University.
2) Latke 1000

On Dec. 1, at 7 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom, Stony Brook Hillel is hosting their annual Hanukkah competition. The event will feature a dreidel spinning competition, a menorah building competition, a Hanukkah song competition and 1000 latkes.
3) The High C’s Fall Concert
On Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. in the SAC Auditorium, The High C’s, the original on campus a capella group at Stony Brook, will be performing their fall concert. Listen to the musical stylings of the all male singing group to kick back before finals week.
4) The Festival of Lights

On Wednesday, Dec. 2, join the campus community in celebrating The Festival of Lights at 6 p.m. in the SAC Auditorium. The program highlights various faith’s celebrations, including Christmas/Advent/Three Kings, Hanukkah, Ramadan/Eid-ul Fitr/Eid-Adha, Diwali, Bandhi Chhor Divas and Kwanzaa, as well as a segment about Native American culture.
5) Emerson String Quartet

The Emerson String Quartet is set to perform at 8 p.m. in the Staller Center on Friday, Dec. 4. With a program including pieces by Hayden, Beethoven and others, viewers will be drawn in to the amazing performance put on by these musicians.