Looking for something to do on campus to escape from the “crunch-time” feeling?
Here is what is coming up:
1) On Saturday, April 25, the Chinese Association at Stony Brook will be holding China Night. The theme is “China Night Live,” a spoof of “Saturday Night Live.” There will be a mix of Asian-American comedy skits as well as videos and food. Tickets can be purchased at the SAC ticket office and are $5 for students and $7 for non-students. The event will run from 7:30 to 11 p.m. in the SAC auditorium.
2) On Saturday, April 25, RockYoFace is hosting the event ROCKYOFEST at the University Café. This is RockYoFaces’ last event of the year and it is an Autism benefit concert. There will be cotton candy, pizza, popcorn, rock painting, chalk wall art and of course, music. Some of the acts performing for the event include The Griffs and This Loch Ness Monster. The event will be held from 5 to 11 p.m..
3) On Thursday, May 7 and Friday, May 8, Pocket Theater will be hosting “Two Nights of Improv.” The Pocket Theater’s Improvisation Troupe will be performing skits with an emphasis on comedy. Admission is free and the event will be held at the Staller Center Theater 3 at 8:30 p.m.
Correction: May 6, 2015
An earlier version of this article stated that the event “Two Nights of Improv.” was to be held at the TCACH Black Box. The event will actually be held at the Staller Center Theatre 3.