Dear Tinder,
Last semester, I wrote an article raving about how you were the greatest app I’ve ever had the experience of downloading. But now, in light of some new information about your change in features, it may be time that we had a talk.
I want to say that it is not you, but me. But it’s 100 percent you, and it is time we break up.
This year, you introduced Tinder Plus, the same app as before but with new features, like being able to swipe on people in different locations as well as undo accidental swipes to the left. Normally, I would be cheering from the hilltops that these features have been added because, Tinder, you are my bae.
Except for the one major flaw you made in the update: I have to pay for it.
Tinder, we have been through so much together for it to end like this. When I was falling asleep from boredom in class, you were there for me. When my legs were about to give out while waiting in line for the Express bus, you supported me through it all. When a date would go poorly and I would lose all hope in finding love you were there, waiting for me with a plethora of beautiful college men to make me think otherwise.
Now look at you, you are suddenly a big-shot. According to CNN you attract one million new users every week and make 22 million matches per day in 140 countries. I get it, you are growing and you need your space, but do you need to monetize the simple act of meeting new people? You want me to pay for your new features?
You cannot even be fair in the pricing that you designed. In the U.S., those under 30 pay $9.99 a month, while those over 30 have to pay $19.99. Your spokeswoman, Rosette Pambakian, explained the price difference was done because younger users, who are usually in college or a working a first job, do not have a lot of money during this period in their life.
I am not going to disagree completely with that statement, seeing as a small part of me dies inside every time I go to the pump to fill up my car, but ten extra dollars a month just because you are older? That is a bit of a spike.
Yes, I am aware that you are telling people they do not have to pay for these new features and can stick with the same old, free Tinder app. BUT YOU ARE A DIRTY LIAR, TINDER! As incentive to get users to upgrade, you started putting limits on how many swipes right, or “likes,” people can use during a certain period. Once users exceed the allowed number of swipes, a screen pops up saying they have to wait an additional 12 hours before they can swipe again.
I cannot believe you are doing this to me, Tinder. I understand your desire to grow as a company and the business genius behind charging for something that is already in such high demand. I guess I just thought you were better than that. I thought you were above adding fees to something that was once free of charge. But I thought wrong.
For now, I will still continue to use you every day, getting in my fair share of free college boys. Until I hit my swipe limit of course and have to wait my 12 hours to go back on.
I wish you all the best with your new direction (even though I really do not).
Emily Benson.