SIPA USA / Tribune News Service
For nearly one-third of the American populace, Super Bowl Sunday is an artificial holiday that involves gathering around a T.V. screen and watching grown men fight, grapple and hit each other in the hopes of attaining the Vince Lombardi Trophy.
Meanwhile, many of us sit back and loudly cheer for one of the two teams while we stuff our faces with buffalo wings, pizza and beer, loudly claiming that we could have totally made a better game strategy than Bill Belichick or Pete Carroll.
Arguably, though, I am sure I could have made some better play calling in that last minute than Carroll, but I digress.
Super Bowl XLIX was, for all intents and purposes, a much better Super Bowl than the previous year. We saw two teams actually playing in the game, not just one team dominating the whole 60 minutes while the other prayed that it would be over so that they could go and rack up endorsement funds from Papa John’s Pizza.
On top of that, this year’s Super Bowl featured more than just an actual game between two teams. It was a year of horrible ads, dying kids, a half time show with an artist’s rendition of what Gilligan’s Island would look like if they dropped acid and proof that if there is a God, he really does not want Tom Brady and company to win a Super Bowl, as evidenced by some receiver making an impossible catch in the dying minute of the last three Super Bowl’s in which Brady played.
However, this nigh-impossible catch was overshadowed by the “Immaculate Interception,” or basically Carroll thinking that his $10 million running back, Marshawn “Beastmode” Lynch, was clearly incapable of running half a yard, and instead decided to make Malcolm Butler feel like the greatest defensive back to ever play the game.
I would be a liar if I told you I did not jump off of the couch and loudly cheer when Butler made that interception, mainly because I was happy to see Seattle lose after the way they embarrassed my Packers in the NFC Championship Game. Also, the thought of watching the obnoxious Seattle fan who ridiculed all of the Packers fans at the bar I was at while they historically collapsed have his heart break just seemed so righteous and just.
On top of this, watching Richard Sherman’s heart break on national television was also just as amusing to watch, being that his constant smack talk and arrogance was really just starting to get under my skin. However, I am sure that he will feel alright about the loss after he wipes away his tears with hundred dollar bills while I stock apples and peaches on a wall.
The actual game is not the only reason why many people watch the Super Bowl; in fact, many watched it just to see Katy Perry perform at the halftime show. While many said that Perry stole the show, I believe that it was really her dancing shark compatriots that really were the highlight of the performance. Personally I think she actually sounded terrible live and that the auto tune that she uses on her records became extremely relevant after the first song she performed.
The other reason why people also may watch the Super Bowl is for the ads, though this year’s ads were anything but good. Whether it was Nationwide’s commercial featuring kids who died due to accidents or Kim Kardashian’s data stash commercial, many of this year’s advertisements did not live up to a lot of people’s expectations. There were some companies, like Budweiser, that had halfway decent commercials, but not many that really stood out. At least, not in a good way.
From breath taking plays to dancing sharks, all the way to dying kids and horrible play calling, this Super Bowl will be one to remember for a while. For some people and companies, they will be remembered for the good that they did. For others (Nationwide and Carroll), it will go down in infamy. It is okay, though, at least that kid from the Nationwide commercial did not have to see Seattle blow it on the final play.