Better Than Your Average Roll in the Hay
Today we’#146;re going to use this space for a little self-promotion. Hey,everyone else uses our pages for that purpose, so why shouldn’#146;t we?
You’#146;ve perhaps seen the ads for our revamped website (located in cyberspaceat, but it is likely that you have yet to visit. The sitehas the current edition of the Statesman as well as archives from earlier issues,links to other online college newspapers around the nation, and opportunitiesfor you to give us your feedback.
By surfing and supporting our website, you’#146;re enabling us to serve thecampus community in a more efficient fashion. We all know that disseminationof information on this campus is a tricky business, and we are trying to doall we can to combat the problem and make details about events and organizationsaccessible to the student body.
It’#146;s a simple thing. While you’#146;re procrastinating, instant messagingbuddies instead of tackling your history paper, type in our address. With thespeed of access on campus, you’#146;ll be knee-deep in news faster than youcould turn to page 3 in the hard copy. And you won’#146;t get any ink on yourfingertips.
Perhaps you’#146;ve also seen our ads for Statesman staff positions. The newspaperhas grown exponentially over the past semester, but we are always in the marketfor anyone with an interest. No experience necessary, although literacy is aplus.
Writers: news, entertainment, sports’#151;whatever you fancy, let us know,and we’#146;ll accommodate your preferences to the best of our ability.
We understand there’#146;s a learning curve; we’#146;ll teach you how to writea lead and threaten you with all sorts of torture if you become too verbose.
Photographers, cartoonists, copy editors, designers, or anyone who envisionsthemselves becoming one of these things: get in touch and let us know whereyour interests lie. If you’#146;re not quite sure if you have an interest, getin touch anyway. You could always just come to productions and eat cookies withus.
While being a part of the Statesman staff might not be better than really,really amazing sex, it’#146;s better than your average roll in the hay.
For a good time, call 632-6479, come to Room 059 in the basement ofthe Union, or e-mail [email protected].