Disney World. Cancun. St. Croix. Italy. It’#146;s almost time for universityspring recess, and almost time for the wild adventures to begin. Right?
Riiiiight. Unfortunately, not all of us have had the money, or even the time,to plan exotic trips to faraway lands. So, what else is this nine-day reprievefrom class good for? Well, you could sit at the kitchen table and wait for thepostcards from your suitemate in Jamaica to arrive, all the while grumblingand seething with jealousy.
But let us not begrudge those who are taking the proverbial Spring Break jauntto enjoy sun and fun with college buddies. We should wish them well in theirjourneys, and hope to at least get a shot glass out of the deal.
Of course, there’#146;s nothing wrong with imagining, just for a second, theunlucky surprises that could spring upon one of those Spring Breakers’#151;yourbiology lab partner might just come back with a case of scabies from a Europeanhostel, for instance. Not that you’#146;d want her to, but think of the potentialcalamities you’#146;re avoiding by going home for break.
So, what do we do with this week, stretched out like so much Silly Putty beforeus? Obviously, sleep is high on the priority list. Can’#146;t do much of thatwhen you’#146;re out clubbing every night in Mexico and waking up, sick andexhausted, at 7 a.m. to go scuba diving.
Good food is another important part of the home-based Spring Break. For thoseof us who eat most of our meals on campus, our stomachs are in dire need ofa little vacation from the mediocre fare that is offered at the dining halls.And we need not fear sudden explosive diarrhea or empty wallets after a dinnerof shrimp and spicy green sauce.
Relaxation, whether it means hours of soap operas or sitcoms, reading a novel,or taking a bubble bath, is what we all need the most.
Mindlessness, physical comfort, the chance to breathe and notice it for once.Certainly, many of us have papers and projects to do, tests to study for andjobs. However, we need to make some time over Spring Break to do the thingswe never get to do while classes are in session.
For those of us setting out with plane tickets in hand, safe travels and enjoy.For those of us packing our bags for the homefront, be nice to your little brother’#151;andenjoy. Happy Spring Break.