With rain and winds turning the field into a mud pit, Stony Brook University’#146;smen’#146;s lacrosse team routed the Lafayette Leopards 14-4, yesterday at Seawolvesfield.
‘It was hard when the ball went down on the field we couldn’#146;t pickit up.’ said Eric Hatkewitz. ‘We went out there and played hard, weknew it was going to rough, but our team did a good job.’
In the third period, Kevin Pall scored a goal that not only added to the blow-outbut made him only second player in school history to score 100 or more goals..
‘That is a great and unbelievable accomplishment,’ team captain DennisScannell said. ‘He’#146;s a great asset to our team.’
The Seawolves rallied out of the gate outscoring Lafayette 6-1 in the firstperiod.
‘We really tired to bury them early,’ head coach John Espey said.The Seawolves scored 6 goals in the first period while Lafayette only scoredone. But the seawolves really put a nail in the coffin when after two periodsthey were up 11-2, knowing it would make it a hard road for the Lafayette Leopards.
Pall scored four times in the game. Steve Colon scored a goal and handed outthree assists.
‘It is a great honor to have done it, but really it was a team effort,’Pall said about scoring his 100th goal. His next milestone will be 113 goalto over-take the current leader Courtney Wilson who played for the Seawolvesin 1994-1997.
The Seawolves added two more goals in the third period while Lafayette alsoscored two more goals; one coming in the third at with 5:39 remaining and inthe fourth with 10:37 remaining in the game.
The Seawolves dominated the game in many different ways, winning 20 face-offsto Lafayette’#146;s two. They also grabbed 77 ground balls on the muddy field.
‘We dominated in a lot of aspects today, so we were able to get a lotmore people in the game, giving them some experience,’ Pall said.
The Seawolves face nationally ranked Navy this Saturday.
‘This is the best team I have been on in my four years here,’ Scannellsaid. ‘I think that we have a good chance to beat them this year.’