-Intrusion Alarm: An alarm was sounded in room 080 on level 16 of the HealthScience Center. The area was patrolled and all was secure the cause of the alarmis unknown.
-Intrusion Alarm: An alarm went off in the computer room at Cardozo College.The area was checked and all was secure.
-Suspicious Person: Two males in the Stimson parking lot. The area was patrolled,and all was secure.
-Petty Larceny: A New York State inspection sticker was taken from Irving College.
-Petty Larceny: A parking permit was taken from the Student Union rear lot.
-Aggravated Harassment: Harassment via phone to room 147 on level 4 of theHealth Science Center.
-Suspicious Persons: Bikers on the mall area of Javitz.
-Grand Larceny: Theft/Use of a Debit Card at Kelly Caf’eacute;.
-Assault Third Degree/Criminal Tampering: Cleaning solution was put in contacts/contactlens case in Mount College.
-Petty Larceny: A computer was taken from Dewey College.
-Criminal Mischief: A male punched and broke a glass window at Langmuir College.He was gone when officials arrived.
-Larceny: Two CPAP masks were taken from level 13 of the University Hospital.
-Criminal Tampering: Three males were seen spraying fire extinguishers in Benedict.They were gone when officials arrived.
-Petty Larceny: There was an unauthorized use of a social security number toorder merchandise at the Roth Quad Caf’eacute;.
-Petty Larceny: Medication was taken from a car in Chapin.
-Criminal Mischief: Feces were deposited in elevators three and four of theSocial Behavioral Sciences Building.
-Aggravated Harassment: There was harassment in the form of a handwritten notein Langmuir College.
-Harassment: A risqu’eacute; object was placed in front of the complainant’#146;sdoor in Stimson.
-Grand Larceny: A wallet with credit cards inside was taken from the ChapinApartments.
-Petty Larceny: A pair of earrings was taken from the level 4 Emergency Roomof the University Hospital.
-Grand Larceny: A wallet with credit cards was taken from the exercise roomat the SAC.
-Suspicious Person: A naked male was reported to have been running around thearea near the Chapin Apartments.
-Aggravated Harassment: A former employee was not allowed on the premises atKelly Dining.
-Aggravated Harassment: Harassment via phone calls at Irving College.
-Harassment: A fraternity was bothering a couple in Roosevelt Quad.