What’s a Seawolf? Dean Jerrold L. Stein sure is.
After 38 years of hard work and dedication to Stony Brook University, Stein is retiring from the position of Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, as announced in an email sent by President Stanley on Tuesday, April 22.
It is not every day that students get to interact with “higher-ups,” but Stein has consistently connected with many students and clubs throughout the campus. In fact, Stein is one of the few administrators at this university who go out of their way to interact with the students whose lives they impact with their daily decisions.
During his tenure, Stein made time to come out to performances, games and club events to show his support for the students. He also has greatly vested himself with several campus organizations, such as the community service club and the Spirit of Stony Brook Marching Band. Stein has also made a significant effort to support student creativity on campus, including providing a regular award given out to several students from the URECA Art Exhibition. These students get the opportunity to exhibit their work in the Dean of Students office for a year. This consistent, direct involvement in the student community on campus is impressive and laudable and greatly aids in closing the gap that is sometimes present between administrators and students.
While Stein was partially responsible for creating the marching band at Stony Brook, that is not the only campus improvement that he made. The “What’s a Seawolf” chant that all students know and perform was created by none other than Stein. He also played an integral role in the creation of the Student Ambassador program, which seeks to bring student leaders together while simultaneously representing the university.
So far, many students expressed their sadness stemming from Stein’s recently announced departure. At last week’s Brookfest concert, future USG president Garry Lachhar got onstage before the performances started and asked the crowd to give a big cheer for Stein. The crowd cheered and applauded for the dean, truly showing how much of an impact he’s had on the student population.
When an administrator who has genuine concern for the students leaves after so many years, the university as a whole feels a tremendous sense of loss. As of right now, it has not been announced who will be taking over as the new Dean of Students, but whoever does has some tremendous shoes to fill, both in terms of involvement on campus and interaction with the student base.
Thank you Dean Stein for all of your dedication, school spirit and encouragement to both the university and its students. When asked “What’s a Seawolf?,” there is no better answer than Dean Stein himself.
Sincerely- The Editorial Board
John Engallena • Apr 30, 2014 at 5:09 pm
Please pass this along to Dean Stein.
We would like to extend to you very well deserved best wishes on your retirement from Stony Brook. Although we only met once or twice, we are well aware of the impact you had on our daughter, Allison Engallena (’05) , and for that we am very grateful. Your care and guidance played a big part in Allison’s growth and development, so again we say “Thank you very much”. Good luck in your future endeavors.
John and Cheryl Engallena
Anonymous • Apr 29, 2014 at 11:26 pm
Do you really feel Dean Stein wishes for the article about the legacy of his 38 year tenure at SBU to be negative and put the University he has worked to build in a poor light?