Les Misérables:
The longest-running musical in the world is being transformed into a movie. The film set, in 19th century France, covers a wide range of topics and is generating Oscar buzz without even having been released to the public yet. The film stars Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Helena Bonham Carter. Anne Hathaway, for her performance as Fantine, is receiving a lot of attention as the frontrunner for “Best Supporting Actress.” The film comes out on Christmas day.
The Carrie Diaries:
A prequel to the popular show “Sex and the City” which aired on HBO is being produced for the CW. The Carrie Diaries stars AnnaSophia Robb as a young Carrie Bradshaw. The series focuses on a 16-year-old version of Carrie, as she is first introduced into Manhattan and the culture that is New York City. The show has many producers from “Gossip Girl,” another CW show that is in its last season.
The Hobbit:
For all of you Lord of the Rings fanatics, be sure to check out The Hobbit, in theaters Dec. 14. According to Moviefone.com, the movie takes viewers on a journey with Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) to reclaim the dwarf kingdom of Erebor. Erebor has been under the control of an evil dragon named Smaug and it is up to Bilbo to defeat him. Bilbo encounters both friends and enemies along the way to winning Erebor back. The film is directed by Peter Jackson, who also directed the acclaimed Lord of the Rings film trilogy.
Bruno Mars, “Unorthodox Jukebox:”
Bruno Mars is releasing his sophomore album “Unorthodox Jukebox” this winter. According to MTV.com, some of Mars’ tracks can be compared to bands such as The Police. The album cover features a gorilla, matching with the name of the third track, “Gorilla.” The album will have 10 tracks, including the hit single, “Locked Out of Heaven.” Can Bruno Mars continue his original pop-meets-R&B sound? You be the judge. The album is expected to drop on Dec. 11.
“Safe Haven,” Nicholas Sparks:
Remember Nicholas Sparks? He’s responsible for bringing you to tears with both the book and motion picture, “The Notebook.” He’s back at it again with his newest book “Safe Haven,” expected to be released on Dec. 18. According to Barnes & Noble, the book is about the arrival of a girl named Katie in a tiny town in North Carolina. Before you know it, Katie finds herself involved in two relationships at once. She struggles to open up and decide which relationship is right for her, while also struggling with her traumatizing past. Take a look at this book now, because in February the movie will be released, featuring Julianne Hough and Josh Duhamel.