Two animated warriors arrive on a rooftop. They lean forward, place their hands on their knees and pant.
“So, you made it here alive?”
“Why am I doing this?”
“You fools.”
A giant red creature attacks.
Gamers battled zombies, bad guys and otherworldly beings on Friday as The Gamers Guild and The Weekend Life Committee presented “Gaming with Gamers” at the GLS/ HDV Center.
The Gamers Guild and The Weekend Life Council set up three plasma flat screen televisions and computer projectors as approximately ten people munched on complimentary snacks, preparing to enter a world outside of Stony Brook. Many members of The Gamers Guild were unavailable to attend the event due to Humans Versus Zombies, according to Brandon Supak, a sophomore history major who serves as the club’s vice president. When gaming, Supak is known as Nodnarb.
The Gamers Guild has 35 to 40 members, Keith Boccio aka CaptainDarkblade, a sophomore computer science student, said.
The club meets on Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 p.m. in SAC 305. During meetings, members alternate between playing video games and discussing them. Topics of discussion include general video game habits, first amendment video games and video games that will be arriving in stores soon.
“We discuss generic topics for all gamers to talk about,” Danielle Lewandewdski, a sophomore double majoring in journalism and information systems and treasurer of The Gamers Guild said. Lewandewdski is known to the gaming world as kamikazekiss.
Many of the players in The Gamers Guild tend to game online so that they can all play together.
Boccio enjoys playing Silkworm and Star Wars Republic, a game he calls “phenomenal and absolutely amazing.”
Lewandewdski likes Bubble Bobble, a childhood game, in which the player acts as a dinosaur. The dinosaur has to blow a bubble around a dragon, catch the dragon and then eat it. She also enjoys the Mass Effect series.
Members of The Gamers Guild look forward to playing the Zelda series because the games are incredibly immersive. They also look forward to Diablo 3 because so many people can play, Mass Effect 3 and Resident Evil 6.
In other gaming news, a new SimCity computer game is currently being developed, and it is expected to arrive in 2013 according to Also, reports that Disney is working on Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, its first musical video game.
Rovio also recently announced that Angry Birds cannot be played on Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7. The game is still available on other smartphones including, but not limited to, Android, iOS, Mac and Windows, according to PC World.
The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington D.C. recently opened “The Art of Video Games” exhibition which explores the 40 year history of video games. The display features video games ranging from “Sonic Adventures” to “Diablo II” and “Pittfall!” The exhibit is set to run through late September.