The USG Senate approved a resolution on Thursday supporting a request from Stony Brook’s sports clubs for more field space.
The clubs are petitioning the university for its “failure to provide adequate outdoor field space.” The space available for campus recreational events at Stony Brook is about the size of three soccer fields, said Matt Graham, a member of the Rugby Club and former president of the Undergraduate Student Government.
A petition that has been signed by about 1,600 people states that many students have trouble organizing their events because of the “huge demand for the limited space that exists.”
At the senate meeting, Graham compared the university’s “five acres” of recreational fields with Ohio State University’s “43 acres.” Senator Frank Fanizza, however, said that the only reason Ohio State has so much more space is because it is located in a rural area.
Students are also arguing that sports clubs are not the only ones affected by the limited space.
“Fraternities, hall councils, clubs and organizations, and groups of friends who wish to use the fields don’t have the opportunity to do so because others have booked the fields several months in advance,” the petition states.
The petition is asking the university “to reprioritize their capital budget projects to provide more field space for the student body.”
A group of students will be holding a “small rally” for the cause in front of the Administration building at 12:50 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 26.