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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

Students moving into their dorms at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year. SARA RUBERG/STATESMAN FILE

17 Stony Brook students test positive for COVID-19

Alek Lewis and Maya Brown September 2, 2020
The university, which has tested more than 3,000 students since Aug. 11, said that 17 students have tested positive for the virus. This brings the total number of confirmed cases on campus to 18, after the first case was reported on Aug. 28.
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Students moving into their dorms at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year. SARA RUBERG/STATESMAN FILE

Residential students from restricted states and abroad must undergo mandatory quarantine

Sara Ruberg July 30, 2020
International students and students from states with high rates of COVID-19 must quarantine either in New York or in a state with any travel restrictions before moving into university housing. Students may quarantine on or off-campus.
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The outside of the administration building in March 2020. The RABIA GURSOY/STATESMAN FILE

University advisors discuss pass/no credit policy guidelines

Sherin Samuel April 3, 2020
The Division of Undergraduate Education discussed the university’s new pass/no credit (PNC) grading guidelines during a Zoom webinar on April 1.
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The outside of Kelly Quad in West Campus. Students living on campus still have access to the food pantry, which has adjusted to social distancing. SHAH ALI HAIDER SHANTO/THE STATESMAN

Q&A for students moving off campus

Brianne Ledda March 17, 2020
On March 17, an announcement was made stating that students would be required to move off-campus immediately, so The Statesman asked Stony Brook officials for more information.
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SBU will eliminate $18 million debt by 2021, Provost Bernstein says

Samantha Robinson November 7, 2018
Provost Michael Bernstein announces plan to balance budget. This plan is aiming to stabilize the budget within the next three years.
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The entrance to the Staller Center for the Arts theatre. The STATESMAN FILE

Let artistic students beautify Stony Brook

Mike Adams April 15, 2018
Let studio art majors paint some walls or put up some sculptures in otherwise bland areas. It’d be cheap and easy to put up a few murals — definitely less costly to finance than a full-blown “Far Beyond” program.
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A corpsman donates blood during a blood drive held by the Blood Donor Team. Genetic testing companies like 23andMe could be required to give out the genetic data they collect if given a court order. PUBLIC DOMAIN

January blood donations at Stony Brook hit record high

Emma Harris February 3, 2018
January’s Blood Drive on West Campus brought in over 300 donations, setting a Stony Brook University record for contributions in the month.
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Harriman hall was the most recent building on campus to suffer a loos of power.MANJU SHIVACHARAN/THE STATESMAN

We deserve better than biweekly blackouts

Andrew Goldstein October 1, 2017
I should not need to lower my expectations for electrical power because the campus has “aging” equipment.
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USG Executive Council platform statements: looking back at the year

USG Executive Council platform statements: looking back at the year

The Statesman April 19, 2015
The Statesman revisited last year’s platform statements to see if the Executive Council members were able to carry out the plans that were promised.
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After effects of snow: potholes

Kelly Zegers March 4, 2014
After the snow and ice are cleared from the roadways, another obstacle appears: potholes. On campus, potholes can be seen on Circle Road and within the residential parking zones. In some areas, they be more than a foot wide—in residential parking zone 5, they are wider.
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Verizon’s partnership with Stony Brook University’s DoIT and CEWIT will bring about faster wireless service across campus for mobile devices. (HIRAL KADAKIA / THE STATESMAN)

Expanded Verizon service available on campus

Christopher Leelum February 25, 2014
Because of a recent partnership between Stony Brook University and Verizon, students will notice a significant improvement in wireless performance this semester.
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Unsafe Speeds and Broken Road Rules Plague Campus

February 10, 2003

  By Marc Newman Walking around Stony Brook University might seem more like stroll through the autobahn than a walk through a friendly neighborhood...

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