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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

Sam Cornetta and Morgan Tiller posing for the photoshoot. Lack of inclusive sex education hurts queer students. TIM GIORLANDO/THE STATESMAN

Lack of inclusive sex education is hurting queer students

Anya Marquardt March 21, 2023
#OPINION: I wasn't shown a condom in school until my senior year at a mandatory meeting for students attending prom. Yes, I knew what a condom was — but only from the internet.
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The outside of the Stony Brook University on-campus polling place on Nov. 3, 2020. The Center for Civic Justice helped register over 7,000 students to vote since 2018. RABIA GURSOY/THE STATESMAN

Young people need to maintain momentum after the 2020 elections

Anne Green February 20, 2021
#OPINION: The state of our nation depends upon the checks and balances that we hold our representatives to through democratic elections. We can decide to maintain the status quo or invite the next generation of leadership.
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Posters advertising to vote in the Center for Civic Justice. CRIS ZHANG/THE STATESMAN

Center for Civic Justice hosts community dialogue after Election Night

Niki Nassiri November 10, 2020
Stony Brook University’s Center for Civic Justice hosted a community dialogue titled "We Voted, Now What?" on Nov. 4 as the country held its breath for a second night in a row in anticipation of the election results.
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Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Fotis Sotiropoulos. COURTESY OF STONY BROOK UNIVERSTY

G/P/NC: Implications for student success

Fotis Sotiropoulos October 27, 2020
#OPINIONS With the added stress of an ongoing pandemic, many students have asked me, “Why doesn’t Stony Brook simply extend the P/NC (pass/no-credit) policy that was available in Spring 2020?”
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Zoom is a video chat service many Stony Brook University students are using to learn remotely. Inappropriate content has interrupted class meetings during the first week learning remotely.SCREENSHOT OF ZOOM HOMEPAGE

‘Professor? Can you hear me?’: Universities adapt to online learning

Brianne Ledda April 13, 2020
"Zoomiversity" — an SBU-student run Instagram account — documents student antics during online classes and demonstrates some of the unique circumstances that have come with moving most of the country’s universities online.
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Students walking outside of Stony Brook University's Student Activities Center (SAC).SARA RUBERG/ STATESMAN FILE

Students lose their jobs in the midst of COVID-19 crisis

Maya Brown April 11, 2020
Spring break is usually a time when some college students go back home and work at their part-time or full-time jobs. In the midst of the coronavirus (COVID-19), that was not the case.
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Students moving into their dorms at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year. SARA RUBERG/STATESMAN FILE

International students faced uncertainty as SBU went remote

Claudia Motley April 10, 2020
For international students, leaving on-campus housing was far more complicated than booking a last-minute economy flight.
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Undergraduate Student Government president-elect Shaheer Khan poses for a headshot. EMMA HARRIS/THE STATESMAN

USG President’s letter to the student body

Shaheer Khan April 4, 2020
"My Fellow Students, I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones in good health. It is safe to say that we are in uncharted territory; it is a confusing and challenging time for us all."
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The outside of the administration building in March 2020. The RABIA GURSOY/STATESMAN FILE

University advisors discuss pass/no credit policy guidelines

Sherin Samuel April 3, 2020
The Division of Undergraduate Education discussed the university’s new pass/no credit (PNC) grading guidelines during a Zoom webinar on April 1.
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The outside of the administration building after campus has shut down. RABIA GURSOY/THE STATESMAN

Staying productive while working from home

Melissa Azofeifa April 1, 2020
There is a whirlwind of change happening as the world tries to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19); we cannot underestimate the importance of maintaining good mental health to be able to stay productive as people transition to working from home and remote learning.
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Miles Latimer in the opening game this season against Yale. EMMA HARRIS/THE STATESMAN

Numerous players explore departure from Stony Brook

Ethan Tam April 1, 2020
Sophomore guard Miles Latimer entered the NCAA transfer portal on March 20. On March 30, he officially announced that he would be transferring to the Bucknell Bison of the Patriot League.
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COVID-19’s impact on Stony Brook University Hospital

Matina Douzenis March 24, 2020
Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH) — Long Island’s first academic medical center — is taking proactive measures against coronavirus (COVID-19).
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