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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

Stony Brook University's Research Centre ValBio in Madagascar was hit by a cyclone. TEE LA ROSA/FLICKR VIA CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Stony Brook’s Madagascar research center hit by cyclone

Scott Terwilliger January 28, 2018
Centre ValBio — Stony Brook University’s research facility in Madagascar — is raising money to help the surrounding community, which was devastated by Cyclone Ava earlier this month.
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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo at the unveiling of the Second Avenue Subway's 86th Street Station.   PATRICK CASHIN FOR THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY/FLICKR VIA CC BY 2.0

The Excelsior Scholarship: All that glitters is not gold

Scott Terwilliger September 24, 2017
The scholarship sounds like a dream come true for financially-disadvantaged students, but it only offers marginal benefits to recipients.
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President Samuel L. Stanley at the 2016 State of the University address. Wednesday he hosted a town hall meeting about diversity. JERROD WHITE/STATESMAN FILE

Defending DACA: an economic perspective

Scott Terwilliger and Mike Sonta September 10, 2017
The effects of criminalizing immigration in the United States criminalizes entire communities. In doing so, America narrows its diversity, which can be deleterious to the notion of our country as a cultural melting pot.
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A typical beer pong set up at a college party. Many college students LAURA LAROSE/FLCIKR VIA CC BY 2.0

The Drinking Dilemma

Scott Terwilliger August 28, 2017
If your drinking is triggered by the need to relax, find a new activity that provides the same reward of relaxation, such as exercising or listening to music.
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Students taake advantage of the warm weather to relax on Staller steps. MAX WEI/STATESMAN FILE

Staller days are awesome, but pick up your trash

Scott Terwilliger April 19, 2017
I remind you that the steps are a public good, and should be maintained as such.
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Certain majors, such as English get a bad rap because they are often thought of as having little "real-world" applicability. NILUFER GADGIEVA/FLICKR VIA CC BY-NC 2.0

Whose major is it, anyway?

Scott Terwilliger April 9, 2017
This is one major that I become excited about when I wake up. It’s one that lends no qualms, and fills me with enough certainty to drive the rest of my life.
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Professor Jonathan Sanders speaks with Scott Pelley outside of CBS headquarters in Nov. 2015. Professional Friday trips allow for journalism students to see the media industry first hand. ERIC SCHMID/STATESMAN FILE

Professional Fridays puts students inside madness of the media

Scott Terwilliger April 9, 2017
Professional Friday is a day on which journalism students explore the media giants of New York City.
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A server prepares food at West Side Dining.

CulinArt: A cost-benefit analysis

Scott Terwilliger March 29, 2017
All of this sounds spectacular, but why should we, as students, trust CulinArt?
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