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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The self-interest presidency: a case for Trump’s impeachment

Michael Punzi September 9, 2018
For almost two years I’ve studied the Trump presidency closely, and have found that Donald Trump is the most corrupt president America has ever seen. Let’s look at the facts, not the tweets.  
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Republican Presidential nominee Donald trump speaking at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona. GAGE SKIDMORE VIA FLICR CC BY-SA 2.0

Professors weigh in on election forecast model

Jess Stoneburner October 16, 2016
Students, faculty and community members gathered Wednesday to hear Helmut Norpoth and five Stony Brook panelists talk about Norpoth's presidential election primary model at the first Global Forum series.
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Sanders revisits the failed War on Drugs

Sanders revisits the failed War on Drugs

Nick Zararis April 19, 2016
It should be the accepted view that the War on Drugs was both a failure and founded on false pretenses.
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In a general election, the Bern is just as electable as Clinton

In a general election, the Bern is just as electable as Clinton

Skyler Gilbert February 8, 2016
At this point, the idea from the Clinton campaign that she is more likely to win in a general election matchup is lazy and unvetted.
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Legendary Watergate journalist speaks at fiftieth lecture of series

Ryan Wolf October 16, 2013
Stony Brook students caught a glimpse into the past, present and future of the American press through the eyes of world-renowned journalist Carl Bernstein at the fiftieth “My Life As” presentation on Tuesday night.
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Students celebrating after Lyndon B. Johnson announced he wasn't running for a second term in 1968. STATESMAN FILE

ARCHIVES: Lyndon Says “Prudence” Stony Brook Explodes (1968)

April 2, 1968
LYNDON JOHNSON WILL NOT ACCEPT HIS PARTY’S NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT IN 1968. Amidst cheers in all the television rooms in the dorms, dancing in the lobbies, Food and drink, some 3-400 students joined in the celebration.
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