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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

Candidates for Undergraduate Student Government President, Meelod Wafajow (left)and Justas Klimavicius (right) take the stage during USG's elections debate in the Student Activities Center Ballroom B on Tues. March 20.

HOUSE party dominates USG elections

Aleeza Kazmi April 3, 2018
In a landslide victory, every single member of the HOUSE Party was elected in the Undergraduate Student Government elections, with the exception of Vice President of Clubs & Organizations candidate.
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Candidates for Undergraduate Student Government President, Meelod Wafajow (left)and Justas Klimavicius (right) take the stage during USG's elections debate in the Student Activities Center Ballroom B on Tues. March 20. The debate gave candidates running for executive positions an opportunity to inform students of their platform. This election, four of the seven executive positions have candidates are running uncontested. LUIS RUIZ/THE STATESMAN

USG debate indicates decreased participation in upcoming elections

Aleeza Kazmi March 24, 2018
The Undergraduate Student Government at Stony Brook University held a candidates debate in the Student Activities Center Ballroom B Tuesday evening ahead of their elections next week.
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The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) senate in session on Aug. 31, 2017. ARACELY JIMENEZ/STATESMAN FILE

Credit limit policy will change starting Fall 2018

Mahreen Khan January 22, 2018
Students interested in taking more than 17 credits will no longer have to wait two weeks from the start of classes to enroll in all of their classes.
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Justine Josue, former USG Vice President of Communications resigned. STATESMAN FILE

Race for USG Executive Vice President will go into runoff election

Rebecca Liebson April 2, 2017
The new leaders of Stony Brook’s Undergraduate Student Government have been decided, with the exception of the race for executive vice president, which ended in a tie.
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