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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The outside of the  engineering building. The College of Engineering and Applied Sciences has a new dean, Fotis Sotiropolous. SARA RUBERG/THE STATESMAN

College of Engineering and Applied Sciences appoints new dean of diversity and outreach

Meenu Johnkutty October 26, 2019
Hiring Dr. Monica Bugallo to be the new Dean of Diversity and Outreach in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences was a “no brainer,” Fotis Sotiropolous, dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, said.
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The Institute for Advanced Computational Science, located next to the Life Sciences Building. EMMA HARRIS/STATESMAN FILE

Stony Brook University’s Advanced Computing Institute Receives $11.3M Philanthropic Boost

Maya Brown August 31, 2019
The Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS) at Stony Brook University received a $6.3 million anonymous donation in early August that will advance data-driven research for the department.
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The Graduate School, located in the old Computer Science building.EMMA HARRIS/STATESMAN FILE

SBU granted $1.7 million to advance minority doctoral students in STEM

Cindy Mizaku May 14, 2019
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is offering a $1.7 million grant to the Stony Brook University Center for Inclusive Education to provide career development for underrepresented minority doctoral students in STEM.
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Children learning about “SnappyXO,” a kit created by aims to inspire elementary, middle and high schoolers to explore creative learning in the field of robotics and mechanical design. COURTESY OF SNAPPYXO

SBU professor develops new platform for educational robotics

Ameya Kale March 9, 2019
A professor in the department of mechanical engineering, Dr. Anurag Purwar, recently earned a $225,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for developing an educational robotics kit for young students.
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Eye clinic at the Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii. PUBLIC DOMAIN

SBU researchers receive $1.2 million to develop technology that studies human eye movement

Joe McQueen November 28, 2018
A team of researchers from Stony Brook University received a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop technology that can analyze patterns in human eye movement to help predict where people direct their attention. Researchers from the department of computer science and the department of psychology have teamed up to work on this project.
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SBU professor helps discover ancient African burial grounds

Brianne Ledda September 3, 2018
Hildebrand said that most of the individuals uncovered had some form of ornamentation, which varied widely in form – hippo ivory bangles, amazonite beads and in one case, the remains of a headpiece made of over 400 gerbil teeth.
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President Samuel L. Stanley, Jr. gives his annual State of the University address on Wednesday, Sept. 27. GARY GHAYRAT/THE STATESMAN

President Stanley looks at Stony Brook’s past and future in 2017 State of the University Address

Rebecca Liebson October 1, 2017
At Stony Brook’s annual State of the University Address on Wednesday, Sept. 27, President Samuel L. Stanley Jr. celebrated 60 years of progress at Stony Brook.
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Argonne National Laboratory demonstrates to 350 young women from Chicago-area high schools why a career in science might be right for them in April 2009. Brookhaven National Lab along with Stony Brook's WISE program hosted a symposium ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY/FLICKR VIA CC BY NC SA 2.0

Brookhaven Lab hosts women in science symposium

Rebecca Liebson March 7, 2017
In honor of International Women’s Day, Brookhaven National Laboratory hosted the fourth annual Girl Power in STEM Symposium on Saturday, March 4.
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Randy Ferguson, a senior economics major and President of the Student African-American Brotherhood at Stony Brook, stands in the rain outside of the Student Activities Center during the demonstration. CHRISTOPHER CAMERON/THE STATESMAN

Male minority students frustrated by alleged lack of academic support

Christopher Cameron April 1, 2016
“Everybody keeps saying about ‘diversity’ and ‘diversity is good,’” Ricky Simanjuntak said. “And I’m not saying it’s bad. But what I have to point out is … it’s hard.”
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Stony Brook, NY; Stony Brook University: Members of the Multilingual and Intercultural Communication Center (L-R) Agnes He (Professor of Asian Studies), Jiwon Hwang (Research Assistant Professor in Psychology and Lecturer in Asian & Asian-American Studies), Marie Huffman (Professor of Linguistics), and Ellen Broselow (Professor of Linguistics)

Study addresses understanding non-native English speaking instructors

Taylor Ha September 25, 2015
A study conducted at SBU will tackle the challenge of communication between native English-speaking undergraduates and their non-native English-speaking instructors.
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Under the Microscope: Blankets convert solar energy to hydrogen fuel

Ruchi Shah September 20, 2015
“The expected outcome from this project is that anybody who has a pool or a body of water can use his photocatalytic blanket to convert solar energy,” Gouma said.
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Diversifying faculty proving difficult at SBU

Ivana Stolnik March 9, 2015
SUNY and Stony Brook are trying to do more to hire a diverse faculty, but applications are few and competition is fierce.
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