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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

USG approves new financial bylaws

Matt Sacco September 17, 2012

After going through a gauntlet of meticulous scrutiny, the 2012-2013 Financial Bylaws were unanimously approved by the Undergraduate Student Government Senate on Thursday. Among the changes, the bylaws...

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Maloof accused of breaking USG law

Nelson Oliveira April 16, 2012
Mark Maloof, president of the Undergraduate Student Government, faced tough scrutiny at Thursday’s Senate meeting after he revealed he had hired Moiz K. Malik, former USG Chief Justice, for director of the Audio/Visual Board earlier this semester without senate approval.
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Roller Hockey forfeits bid to the national championship

Nelson Oliveira March 26, 2012
For five consecutive years, the Roller Hockey Club at Stony Brook University made it to the national championship. Despite being qualified for a sixth time this year, the team will not be playing at the tournament because the players could not afford to fly to Utah, where the event will be held in April.
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USG is revising financial bylaws

Deanna Del Ciello March 19, 2012
The Undergraduate Student Government is currently in the process of revising the Financial Bylaws to amend the current flight restrictions that clubs and organizations must follow.
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Town Hall covers fairness

Michelle Heatherly March 5, 2012
The Undergraduate Student Government addressed funding and transparency in a town hall meeting held on Thursday evening in the Student Activities Center.
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