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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

People march with the LGBTQ flag at the Pride parade held on June 30, 2019 in Manhattan, NY.  GARY GHAYRAT/STATESMAN FILE

Coming to terms with my bisexual identity

Mike Gaisser February 2, 2020
It was a cool October day at the King Parks Psychiatric Center, a now abandoned psychiatric hospital on Long Island, NY. A friend and I had driven there to take some pictures for a new album he was working on.
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The Center for News Literacy office, located on fourth floor of the Frank Melville Memorial Library. EMMA HARRIS/THE STATESMAN

SBU School of Journalism spreads news literacy curriculum

Jocelyn Cruz December 8, 2019
Stony Brook University’s curriculum from the Center for News Literacy is spreading to other schools and universities across the globe.
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Violent video games aren’t connected to shootings

Matthew Yan October 27, 2019
Whenever the topic of gun control gets brought up on television or in Congress, there are always two scapegoats the National Rifle Association (NRA) tend to present: mental health and video games.
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Eliminating the Regents is the best option

Eliminating the Regents is the best option

Sam Lauria September 29, 2019
New York State residents know the toil it takes to pass a Regents exam. The countless hours of studying that go into preparing for the Regents is enough to drive anyone insane. Although we may have all suffered together, things may be different for future high school students.
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Growth mindsets create success

Growth mindsets create success

Matthew Yan September 8, 2019
This is the fundamental question behind the debate over growth and fixed mindsets, a psychological theory first proposed by Carol Dweck, Ph.D.
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"Love, Simon" is the optimistic coming out story we needed

“Love, Simon” is the optimistic coming out story we needed

Matthew Rainis March 25, 2018
The positivity and normalcy the film portrays Simon’s struggles makes it pleasant and watchable, occasionally tugging at the heartstrings a bit.
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XBXG32000 Wikimedia Commons via CC BY-SA 3.0

Treat me like a college student whose time matters

Andrew Goldstein December 10, 2017
As this semester comes to a close I ask professors: Can you please trust me to be mature about your class and others?
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Top jobs for college dropouts

Top jobs for college dropouts

Michael Kohut April 3, 2016
For the 41 percent of students who never graduate college, negative stigmas are plenty and prospects for success are few. Or are they? It depends on how you define “success.”
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The presidency of Anna Lubitz

Sarah Elsesser November 19, 2013
Anna Lubitz is well known on campus. She is President of the Pre-Veterinary Society. She ran for Homecoming queen last year. She was a member of The Spirit of Stony Brook Marching band and sang the National Anthem at sporting events. Her mother works in President Stanley’s office.
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A screenshot of a Statesman editorial from 2001. The writer argues that then-President George W. Bush was neglecting the truth behind gun issues to appease his followers. STATESMAN FILE

ARCHIVES: Have Bush: Will Have Guns Too (2001)

March 21, 2001
From The Statesman archives, an opinions writer claims that then-President George W. Bush ignored gun control issues in order to please his supporters.
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