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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

Students throwing their graduation caps up into the air. PULIC DOMAIN

Stony Brook’s four-year graduation rates show uptick over past six years

Samantha Robinson December 1, 2019
Stony Brook University’s 4-year graduation rate increased 17% over the past six years, according to Stony Brook University Interim President, Michael Bernstein.
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An all female team at SBUHacks on September 15, 2018 who took home the Best Coding Award. On February 19, Governor Cuomo announced the Smart Start Program which will allow New York elementary and middle schools to participate more in cmoputer science. EMMA HARRIS/THE STATESMAN

Governor Cuomo announces plan to invest in computer science education hoping to close gender gap

Joe McQueen March 24, 2019
"To keep New York at the forefront of innovation, we must level the playing field for young women and provide them with the tools for success," Gov. Cuomo said in a 2018 press release following the launch of Smart Start.
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A room in Javits Lecture Hall . EZRA MARGONO/STATESMAN FILE

The gender gap in class participation

Samiha Ahmed October 21, 2018
Stony Brook University’s undergraduate population is 53 percent male and 47 percent female. The split is not 50/50, but it is close enough to be even. Still, in terms of classroom participation, there seems to be an overwhelming presence of male voices.
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Argonne National Laboratory demonstrates to 350 young women from Chicago-area high schools why a career in science might be right for them in April 2009. Brookhaven National Lab along with Stony Brook's WISE program hosted a symposium ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY/FLICKR VIA CC BY NC SA 2.0

Brookhaven Lab hosts women in science symposium

Rebecca Liebson March 7, 2017
In honor of International Women’s Day, Brookhaven National Laboratory hosted the fourth annual Girl Power in STEM Symposium on Saturday, March 4.
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