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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

Professor Richard Leakey at the WTTC Global Summit 2015. Leakey died at age 77 on January 2. World Travel & Tourism Council/CC BY 2.0

SBU professor and founder of Turkana Basin Institute Richard Leakey dies at 77

Viola Flowers January 7, 2022
Richard E. Leakey died on Jan. 2, at 77 years old in Nairobi, Kenya, leaving behind an extensive paleoanthropology and conservationist career as a Stony Brook professor in the Department of Anthropology and founder of the Turkana Basin Institute.
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Campus Spotlight: Patricia Wright brings lemurs to IMAX

Elizabeth Morgan February 10, 2014
We have all seen at least one of the Madagascar movies portraying comical cartoon animals struggling for a home in the wild. However, this spring, a new movie titled “Island of Lemurs: Madagascar” will be released about the real fight for survival of lemurs in Madagascar. Spearheading the production of this movie, not to mention the entire conservation effort it represents, is Stony Brook anthropology professor Dr. Patricia Wright.
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According to Sheri Bossong, environmental club president, conservation is more than recycling bottles. (FRANCIS YU / THE STATESMAN)

Recyclemania on, students unaware

Ashleigh Sherow March 4, 2013

Recyclemania 2013 is underway for the spring semester at Stony Brook. The 8-week competition, which runs from Feb. 3 through March 30, is both a nation-wide competition between more than 600 colleges...

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