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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

Students walking outside of Stony Brook University's Student Activities Center (SAC).SARA RUBERG/ STATESMAN FILE

Students lose their jobs in the midst of COVID-19 crisis

Maya Brown April 11, 2020
Spring break is usually a time when some college students go back home and work at their part-time or full-time jobs. In the midst of the coronavirus (COVID-19), that was not the case.
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The Staller Center for the Arts closes their doors through May 15

Melissa Azofeifa March 22, 2020
COVID-19 is disrupting life as we know it and Inkles wanted people to know that The Staller Center for the Arts is committed to doing their part for the common goal, which is keeping everyone safe and healthy.
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A restaurant. PUBLIC DOMAIN

The fate of restaurants in the face of COVID-19

Sarah Tantawy March 22, 2020
My father moves between the kitchen, bar and dining area with an ease earned through years of work. He jokes that the pub is his fourth child. This all changed overnight. 
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Gov. Andrew Cuomo on campus in the Student Activities Center on April 11, 2019. Cuomo announced that all non-essential workers must stay home. GARY GHAYRAT/STATESMAN FILE

Cuomo orders all of New York’s non-essential workforce to stay home

Maya Brown and Alek Lewis March 21, 2020
This is the state’s most dramatic measure yet, as the number of confirmed cases jumped from 4,152 on Thursday afternoon to 7,102 on Friday morning. The additional 2,950 cases were due to a rapid increase in testing, according to Cuomo.
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A typical beer pong set up at a college party. Many college students LAURA LAROSE/FLCIKR VIA CC BY 2.0

Girls just want to have fun without worrying about guys

Karina Gerry February 18, 2018
I have been told by guys that they wouldn’t hang out with me unless I got drunk with them, or that I could only go to a party if I took shots with them. It left me wondering why I wasn’t appealing to them unless I was wasted.
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The Bench Bar and Grill in Oct. 2015. The Bench, a bar right off Stony Brook campus, has a "ladies night" on Thursdays where women aren't charged for drinks.  FRANCESCA CAMPIONE/THE STATESMAN

Keep your Ladies Night deal. I don’t want it.

Emily Benson March 5, 2017
It would be nice to pay a cheaper price for products without being treated as something cheap as well.
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“Sex, Politics and Tacos” event at The Bench raises awareness for Planned Parenthood

Brandon Benarba November 21, 2013
Sex, tacos and cheap drinks were the theme of Tuesday night at The Bench as Planned Parenthood hosted their “Sex, Politics and Tacos” event in an effort to raise awareness and money for the organization. Although the goal of the night was to supply everyone with a good time, speakers from Planned Parenthood and Stony Brook University’s Organization of Public Health were present to gather donations and talk about their mission.
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