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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman


Under the microscope: SBU scientists develop DNA barcodes to track cell growth

Ricardo Raudales April 9, 2015
Thanks to one Stony Brook group, scientists are now able to track thousands of cell lineages—complete with evolutions and developments—simultaneously and in high detail.
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Under the Microscope: curcumin shows anti-inflammatory promise

Ricardo Raudales March 24, 2015
What does curcumin, the main component of the Asian spice turmeric, have in common with periodontal disease? Quite a lot, according to one Stony Brook professor.
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Under the Microscope: researching silver matrix batteries to power a new frontier

Ricardo Raudales February 17, 2015
From smartphones to electric vehicles, lithium-based batteries seem to make the digital world go round.
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A laser-molten drop of uranium dioxide (UO2) floats on a gas stream inside a water-cooled nuzzle. (PHOTO CREDIT: STONYBROOK.EDU)

Under the microscope: new research on molten uranium dioxide

Ricardo Raudales January 27, 2015
Nuclear power has been touted as one of the cleanest and greenest energy sources. Even so, the 2011 Fukushima meltdown demonstrated more could be done in the way of safety.
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Under the microscope: Biomedical engineer wins 2014 Collegiate Inventors Competition

Ricardo Raudales December 13, 2014
Unlike conventional vaccines, Immuno-Matrix is painless, can be self-administered and does not produce biohazardous waste. Yet it still has all the advantages of a skin delivery system.
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Under the microscope: challenges facing translational neuroscience

Ricardo Raudales November 24, 2014

The last couple of decades have been a golden age for neuroscience research, providing the first steps in understanding how the brain works and how it...

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Scientists have started to get an idea about how helicase is loaded and how it functions in DNA replication machinery. (PHOTO CREDIT : MCT CAMPUS)

Under the microscope: unraveling a key component of DNA replication

Ricardo Raudales November 11, 2014
To better understand DNA replication, Huilin Li and his colleagues, along with Brookhaven scientists, teamed up with researchers from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Imperial College in London.
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SBU professor Artem Oganov and his colleagues found that an old model of the surface of boron was flawed. (PHOTO CREDIT : MCT CAMPUS)

Under the microscope: Stony Brook scientists re-establish the model for the surface of boron

Ricardo Raudales October 28, 2014
In a recent study in Physical Review Letters, professor Artem Oganov and his colleagues found that the published surface structure for α-boron was flawed.
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Under the Microscope: Quantum fluctuations in an unconventional superconductor at SBU

Ricardo Raudales October 2, 2014
While temperatures have started to drop on campus, they are nowhere near those being achieved in one professor’s laboratory.
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