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The Statesman

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The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman

The Student News Site of Stony Brook University

The Statesman


New mobile apps for SBU students

Matthew Boose September 30, 2014
1. Wolfie Rental App: Wolfie is Stony Brook’s resident celebrity. He has a busy schedule, running back and forth from event to event without rest, but the student body cannot get enough of him.
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“Under God” needs to be removed from Pledge of Allegiance

Matthew Boose May 8, 2014
“Our nation was founded on sound Christian principles.” If I had a stick for every time I heard this phrase, I would have enough timber to build a thirty-foot burning effigy of Donald Sterling.
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No reason to vote against mandatory Student Activities Fee

No reason to vote against mandatory Student Activities Fee

Matthew Boose April 15, 2014
What gives, Kyle? Why did you do it? Why did you vote against making the Student Activity Fee mandatory? Are you just anti-fun? Or worse—a libertarian? Do you not enjoy being coerced?
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Common Core initiative fails both students and educators

Matthew Boose April 3, 2014
The United States, despite having a military capable of destroying the Earth 35 times over, is notoriously behind the times on a number of social issues. One of these areas of concern is education. American public school students are simply not being challenged enough. To address this problem, education officials have drafted a number of reforms in the last decade or so - most notably, No Child Left Behind - with the aim of improving education in the country. While most of these reforms have good intentions, many would argue they have created a bureaucratic quagmire that makes an incentive of “teaching to the test.”
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The negative stigma attached to weed is the driving force behind biased misconceptions. STATESMAN FILE

The societal prejudice against marijuana

Matthew Boose March 11, 2014
Music thumping, bodies sweating, people vomiting – this is a familiar scene to most college students. The drug-fueled party is a fixture in almost every American college. At these events, the real life of the party is alcohol, derived from Arabic al-kuhul, the definitive social lubricant, a drug as ancient as civilization itself.
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Kansas House passes time-travel bill

Matthew Boose February 20, 2014
Did you hear about the good Christian man who lost his faith? He was a respected and active member of his church community for decades. Then one day, a gay couple walked into his restaurant. He served them coffee. And just like that, in a flash, his faith abandoned him. His soul was extricated. In an instant, he had become a morose, atheist heathen. He got a nice big A tattooed on his left buttock. He started sacrificing goats to honor the memory of Christopher Hitchens. He even started writing snarky diatribes on Facebook.
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