The Melville Library is home to many students during final’s week – a place to read, study, snooze and meet with tutors. To some students, final’s week is time used to cram in last minute reviews and memorizations. To others, it’s a time to get a jump start on a long-awaited and well-deserved break.
While some students are tapping their pens along to the beat coming from their ipods, studying in the main stacks, others like Stefanie Glaz and Kenny Moran are on stage singing at a bar.
It was karaoke night at the Velvet Lounge, only minutes from Stony Brook University, when Glaz admits “I’ve been waiting all semester to have time to party and now its here. I’ll study tomorrow.”
A full-time biology major, Glaz says she is not looking forward to any of her finals, but feels she will do well on her exams.
After singing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ Moran sips at his bottle of Bud Light and takes a bow.
“I’ve almost forgotten what it’s felt like to have a good time,” he says. “I’ve always been either working or at school and wish I had more time to go out and have a little fun.” Glaz and Moran have decided to use karaoke night as an “end-of-semester celebration” and the following night as a “hit-the-books-hard – even if it takes an all-nighter.”
Back at school with three books sprawled open on the table in front of him is Steven Tyrrell. In his hand, a Bic pen topped with a chewed cap. Tyrrell admits that he often gets lost in his readings that he doesn’t even realize the habit he’s picked up.
“It’s not over ‘till it’s over,” Tyrrell says. “I just have to get through this week and then everything will be better.” Stressing over his last final, Tyrrell believes the only chance he’ll have at passing is if he uses the time before finals strictly for studying.
With finals over, students can now look forward to holidays and the coming New Year. But until the grades are in, many will be biting their nails and gnawing away at pen caps until they know whether or not they are in the clear.